Serve to the diagonally opposite service court from behind the baseline and on or within the imaginary extension of the sidelines and centerlines, similar to tennis.
Image Credit: AMOS
Image Credit: The Pickler
Placement should be deep and to the center of the diagonally opposite service court to keep the receiver back.
Image Credit: AMOS
Image Credit: The Pickler
A pickleball serve must always be made with either an underhand or backhand motion. That is, the server’s arm must move in an upward arc when the ball is struck. No hitting from above or from the side.
Image Credit: AMOS
Image Credit: The Pickler
The pickleball paddle that contacts the ball is made below the waist. The arm must be moving in an upward arc, and the highest point of the paddle head shall be below the wrist when it strikes the ball.
Image Credit: AMOS
Image Credit: The Pickler
The server has the option of dropping the ball and hitting it after the bounce. The ball can be dropped from any height but cannot be thrown, tossed, or otherwise released with any added force to bounce it.
Image Credit: AMOS
Image Credit: The Pickler
Your feet must be inside the imaginary extension of the sideline and the centerline, bordering the service box. Your feet should also touch the playing surface behind the baseline while hitting the ball.
Image Credit: AMOS
Image Credit: The Pickler
Only one serve attempt is allowed per server. Unlike tennis, if you fault on your serve, you don’t get a second chance. The serve goes to your partner or the other team in a side out.
Image Credit: AMOS
Image Credit: The Pickler