
Does Playing Badminton Make You Taller?

DOES BADMINTON MAKE YOU TALLER? Certain exercises and nutrition can stimulate bone growth and height but only during teenage years. Girls stop growing taller roughly at 16 years old, for boys, it’s about 18 years old.

But no matter who you are, as you reach 20 years of age, you are probably not going to grow much taller than what you already are.

In fact, some factors such as bodybuilding, wrong posture and/or manual labour can actually make a person grow shorter gradually as the years pass by. But, what everybody’s interested in, is how to be taller than they already are.

Is sport in general, and Badminton in particular, any good for increasing your height? Read on to find out.

The Sport Conundrum

One of the most commonly asked questions is this: Do you need to be “built” tall to excel in sports or does playing sports from an early age make you taller?

Sports has a great relationship with height. Many might argue that it’s the genetic structure which determines the height of any individual and sports has no effect in making a person tall, but this is nothing but a common misconception.

When you play a particular sport, your body undergoes a series contraction and relaxation movements. This tension generated in the muscles stimulates the release of human growth hormone, which helps the body grow taller. It’s not just the human growth hormone which stimulates the growth while playing a certain sport, but the rigorous work that the muscles have to undergo during playing a certain sport also helps the muscles to grow stronger and taller.

Role of Badminton in increasing your height

Almost all outdoor sports need you to undergo rigorous physical work, hence almost all outdoor sports help you to grow taller, but there are certain sports like Basketball and Badminton which have a greater impact on your overall height than others.

Playing the game of badminton requires you to sprint from side to side as well as jump high and stoop low. When your body undergoes constant running and jumping, your growth plates undergo a series of shocks.

Note: Growth plates are the non bone segments of your body which are as essential for a taller frame of your body as long bones. These growth plates often remain deprived of growth hormone and as a result the individual remains shorter in height. While playing any outdoor sport, your body undergoes a cycle of stretching and compressing one after the other. This stretching and compressing boosts blood and human growth hormones to the growth plates, which in turn helps an individual to get a taller frame.

While playing badminton, an athlete has to jump all the time, for smashes, overheads and lobs. This constant jumping means that for split seconds, your body is vertically suspended in the air against the force of gravity which results in stretching of muscles while coming back to ground results in contraction. This causes muscles and bones to grow taller.

And don’t forget to rest and take care of yourself…

Relaxed and proper amounts of sleep can also help a lot to increase height. This is because sleeping results in relaxing the brain, which in turn helps to release the growth hormone. If the brain is tired, less growth hormone is released. If a disciplined and right lifestyle is followed, it can have a positive effect on the height.

Toxic substances should be strictly avoided; never skip meals as these things can have a negative effect on the height. Remember that your body grows well if you follow a decent lifestyle. These things really pay off in the long run by providing you with a very healthy lifestyle.

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Aurobindo Dharsaun