Know The Difference Between Tennis and Badminton And Clarify Your Doubts!

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Tennis and badminton both are racket sports and are widely popular. Although they have similarities, these two sports are quite different.

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Tennis rackets are bigger in size and are heavier, weighing up to 250-350 gms as compared to badminton that weighs around 100 gms. Hardball is used in tennis and a shuttlecock in badminton.


Shape and linings are similar, but the tennis court is 23 x 10 m. and the badminton court is 13 x 6 m. in size. The tennis net measures 36 in. above the ground, whereas badminton’s is 60 in.


The pattern of footwork varies significantly. Tennis requires more running, abrupt starts and stops, and badminton requires more lung stamina and jumps.


Tennis games last longer as the ball is allowed to bounce once, whereas the rallies in badminton go without allowing the shuttlecock to fall.

Length of Games and Rallies

With players like Rafa Nadel, Djokovic, and a major following of Grand Slams, tennis is a popular game globally whereas badminton’s popularity is limited to Asian countries.


Being played on a large court with a heavier racket and a ball, tennis seems like a tougher deal as compared to badminton’s lighter racket and a shuttlecock.


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