
Performance Evaluation In Sports Is Important, Here’s Why

When it comes to sports, if you want to do better you should from time to time assess your performance. This applies not only to the professional players but also to beginners who want to do well.

Be it any sport, if you want to know where you are going wrong and how you can do better you need to sit and evaluate your performance and create a plan as to how you can improve it.

Your performance may be good once and bad another time. You may win against someone the first time but the next time you may lose to that same person. You have to figure out why by assessing your performance.

Here are some to-dos and don’ts that you should keep in mind:


#1. Always accept failure:

Failure is part of every single game and sport. Never assume that you will succeed the first time around. All the brilliant stars of the sports world right from Sachin Tendulkar to Saina Nehwal faced failures in their like before they became legends.


It is only after you fail many times you will understand what is going wrong and how to improve on it.

#2. When you do fail, analyse why:

There are a number of reasons and factors as to why one fails. Understand yours and where yours is coming from. Is it that you are not quick enough in the game? Or you do not know how to set the right and suitable game plan? Or is the practice you’re doing not enough? Understand what is making you fail.

#3. Make sure that you have the correct guidance:

Playing a sport and playing a sport right are two different things. If you want to be good at any sport, especially if you want to take it up professionally, getting trained by the right person is absolutely important.

They will help you overcome your shortcomings and also help you reduce your mistakes.

#4. Record yourself:

Be it practice or even an actual tournament, record yourself while playing. This is because you will be able to spot the mistakes you are making by a visual aid. It may be easier to see what you are doing wrong rather than being told what is wrong.

Your movements, strokes, leg work and more will be recorded and you’ll be able to spot what is wrong.

#5. Be aware of your competition:

You should always know who your competition is and understand their game strategy and what their strengths and weaknesses are. Watching your competition playing will help you perform better.

#6. Do not only work on weaknesses, but also work on strengths:

Work on your weak areas, but do not stop working on your strong points as that is something you can rely on during play.


#1. Never compare:

While it is an instinct for us to compare ourselves with others, especially people who are better than us at a particular sport, it is better not to. This is because we will just end up putting ourselves down and won’t gain anything from it.

#2. Never give up:

Giving up is the worst any sports person can do. If things are not going your way do not give up instead of evaluating your performance. Assess yourself, you will find answers.

#3. Keep an open mind:

Be open to advice that has been given to you. Do not reject it, as when someone is watching you play a sport they might be able to make observations as to what you are doing wrong.

#4. Do not pressurise yourself:

Setting goals are important, yes. But that doesn’t mean you should put pressure on yourself to perform a certain way at a certain time. Playing under pressure will make you make more mistakes than ever. Take things step by step.


Evaluation of your performance regularly will help you reach your target. Follow these Dos and Don’ts while you are evaluating your performance.

Nidhi Patel