These swimming in winter tips are sure to help you!
Love swimming but hate the cold? Here are some tips to help minimise the side effects of swimming in the cold and will help you enjoy the best sport in the world.
Full body wet suits might be your best bet to keep you warm and dry but the basics for any swimmer is a good quality swimming cap. Swim caps, preferably silicone ones do more than just keep your head dry, they also prevent loss of heat through your head. Ear-plugs have been known to prevent ear infections and keep your core temperature up.
You can either dive in or get into the pool gradually though the latter is advisable to those not used to the cold. However, gradual swimming and a few warm up laps will get you at ease in no time. While you are inside blow bubbles by submerging yourself, this will stabilise breathing and prevent shock.
The sudden rush of adrenaline as you leave the pool will get you warm but make sure you either quickly pat down with your towel or get under a warm shower to prevent shivering, and keep your head and feet covered and warm after a swim. You lose a lot of heat from these two places.
Regularly swimming in the cold will gradually help you build resistance to cold.
Still not in the mood to swim? Swimming in cold water has its benefits. It helps in increasing blood circulation, increases metabolism and also helps in digestion.
Also check out : 5 health benefits of swimming in cold water
Here are a few Swimming Pools is Bangalore :
Now, don’t keep yourself from enjoying yourself in the swimming pool this winter.