
8 Excuses That Most People Make To Skip Sports

EXCUSES TO SKIP SPORTS | The fruitful benefits of playing a sport or even a routine workout don’t come easy. There will be hardships, but none that can be compared to the positive effects that those hardships bring along with them. While you shouldn’t be hitting the gym or practicing your sport all day every day, don’t forget that the benefits of regular exercise are plenty.

While this list contains some common excuses that we make up to skip whatever sports commitment we’ve made, it isn’t something for you to use as…. say… an excuse. SO, with that cleared up, here are some common excuses that are often made to skip sports.

# I have an important (insert trivial appointment here) to attend

You think playing sports before an important event/function/meeting will make you lose focus? As a matter of fact, physical effort releases endorphins in your body and that charges you for the day, gets your heart pumping strong and appears to boost the size of the hippocampus, the brain area involved in verbal memory and learning’. How lame do you sound now?

# I am Sick

This is not aimed at those really who call in “Sick” , but definitely the ones who keep repeating the same excuses every time there is a match scheduled. Why? Go out with your folks and have some fun dude!

# It’s just “Too Hard”

There are few excuses which lay the blame squarely at the sport itself, this being one of them. If you think that the sport you’re currently trying out is ‘too hard’ for you, that’s an acceptable reason to play something else. Instead, people often use it as an excuse to skip all forms of sport entirely.

# Exams

Parents and students alike realise the importance of exams – a fact which some will try to use to their advantage. This often used tale plays on the perceived relative importance of exams over practice.
This is especially true of developing countries like India where young students are told that money is only in education and it’s impossible for the average person to do anything worthwhile as a sportsman.

# I don’t like the coach/Phys. Ed teacher

While this may be a legitimately off-putting reason for some people, there are always to workaround the occasional bad apple that pops up everywhere. If your love for the sport is true and your passion pure, you can transcend any obstacle or roadblock life throws your way and get on with it.

# My BFF doesn’t like sport

Your sports journey is yours alone. It is always an added bonus to share common goals with a friend, but being dependent solely on your buddy is a bad idea, especially if it starts to decide the fate of your sporting path. The motivation to play sports should come from within and soon it will become an inseparable part of your life.

# There is no time

No time? Seriously? Nobody has time for anything. It is just that we learn to prioritize things in life. Why don’t you make sports a priority? Why don’t you allot some time for time for sports in your weekends and go try it? You never know what good you may gain out of going out and playing your favourite sport.

# I don’t have sports gears

So if this is your excuse I think you should drop it right away. There are a lot of sports venues that offer sports gears for rent. If you think twice on renting stuff out at the venue, then you might as well go online and purchase whatever you require at a rather cheaper cost than the store price. And it saves time as well.

Let all the excuses melt right away. There’s more time for sports than you think. So don’t wait. Get outside today and get fit.

If you are looking for sports venues to play? Then you can find your favourite one on the PLAYO App.

If you don’t have any friends to play with? Find Playpals like you on the app as well.

To know about the Football grounds in Bangalore, check out: List Of Football Grounds You Will Find In Bangalore


Tags: Fitness
Aurobindo Dharsaun