
Is Deep Tissue Massage Really Important For Players

Is Deep Tissue Massage Really Important For Players

What is Deep Tissue Massage? A deep tissue massage is known for reducing pain & discomfort caused as a result… Read More

6 years ago

Here Are Basketball Shots That You Should Try

Here Are Basketball Shots That You Should Try | Basketball is a game centred around shotting the ball through the… Read More

6 years ago

Are Warm-Up And Post Play Stretches Really Important

Do not take the shortcut route and skip warming up and stretching after play. Warming Up: If you are an… Read More

6 years ago

Do You Know How To Play The Snake Shot In TT

Every table tennis player loves to outsmart his opponent. But in order to do that, you need to hit the… Read More

6 years ago

Here Is What You Should Know More About MCL

The knee is a complex joint which makes it highly prone to an injury. The medial collateral ligament (MCL) runs… Read More

6 years ago

Are You Doing These 5 Mistakes While Playing Table Tennis

Table tennis is a sport which looks easy to the eye but contains a lot of technicalities that one cannot… Read More

6 years ago

Here Are Various Types Of Important Core Exercises

The core is our body’s powerhouse which is used for stability, balance and of course power! Our core does not… Read More

6 years ago

Are You Doing These 5 Huge Mistakes While Doing Tabata

The advent of the internet has made sure that the people who want to get fit have several ways to… Read More

6 years ago

Do You Have Something Called The IT Band Syndrome

ITB syndrome is something that every athlete at some point crosses path with. Athletes experience pain along the outside of… Read More

6 years ago

Here Are The 5 Stretches That You Can Do At Work

Working for long and seating in front of the system causes stress. So, step apart from the system, take your… Read More

6 years ago