Stamina and Speed Workout for Soccer Players

stamina and speed football

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May 25, 2021

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These stamina and speed workout for Soccer players are designed to improve the player.

Stamina and speed workout in Soccer are integral as it is just a is an intense sport. Players chase and move the ball around the pitch throughout a fast-paced 90 minutes. They do this for several matchdays spread across a playing season. To keep up with the rigorous demands of the game, Football athletes must possess two crucial qualities: speed and stamina. 

The best players in the world have these traits, from Cristiano Ronaldo to Mohammed Salah and Kylian Mbappe. These individuals are unbelievably fast and can maintain high levels of performance throughout a game without slowing down. However, the standout displays we see every matchday result from consistent work behind the scenes on the training pitch. 

If you dream of replicating similar high-performance levels in your career, you’ll need to put in the same and even more work that the best players put in every day. That said, this article will help you learn some of the most effective stamina and speed workouts for soccer players to build speed and stamina. Here are our top recommended routines: 

Stamina and speed soccer workout

  1. Weighted Sled Drags 

This workout routine helps Football players develop their core, calve, back, shoulder, and glute muscles. Generally, it improves their power output and ground reaction force during acceleration. To carry out this exercise, connect a harness to a weighted sled and attach it to your torso. 

Ensure that the sled isn’t too heavy, as this will prevent you from hitting full sprint. Next, lean forward and slowly pull the sled behind you. Gradually, increase your pace and run with longer strides. After about 50 yards, pause and catch your breath for some minutes before continuing. 

  1. Burpee Pull-ups 

Burpee pull-ups are an effective routine to help you build stamina and endurance and work your chest, quads, hamstring, and arm muscles. These workouts rapidly increase your heart rate and prepare you for match situations where you have to make a quick dash for the ball. They’re also one of the primary routines utilized by Cristiano Ronaldo in his training sessions. 

To pull off this exercise, stand under a pull-up bar with your feet spread apart. Quickly get in a crouch position with both your hands on the floor. Next, kick your legs back and get yourself in a push-up posture with your stomach, thighs, and toes touching the floor. 

Do a push-up, then lift your hips almost immediately to get yourself in a squat position. Stand and jump and grab the pull-up bar. Finally, pull yourself up above the bar. Drop down and repeat the process. 

  1. Single-Leg Squats

Single-leg squats are a great workout to build your leg muscles to carry your whole body weight during sprints. They also help you develop leg power to launch yourself as you accelerate towards a through ball. To work with single-leg squats, stand on one foot while holding the other close to your hip. 

Next, lower your body on your standing leg, maintaining your balance with your arms stretched out. Go as low as you can and stay in that position for a second. Lift yourself back up again and repeat the process. After a while, you can try the routine on the other leg. 

  1. HIIT on a Treadmill

HIIT – or High-intensity interval training – helps soccer players get used to matchday situations where they have to switch from walking or light jogs around the pitch to full sprints. This routine trains the body to efficiently utilize oxygen by switching quickly from aerobic to anaerobic respiration. 

To carry out this workout, set the speed on a treadmill to a gentle jog or walk. Maintain this momentum for about ten minutes. Next, slowly increase the pace till your heartbeat is around 80% of your maximum speed. 

Stay on this for one minute. Next, slow down to a walk or jog for about 2 minutes. This pace helps you recover and catch your breath. Increase the speed to your max again for another minute before slowing down once more. Repeat this process for 30 minutes. 

  1. Cardiovascular Exercises

Cardiovascular exercises are one of the most effective ways to improve playing stamina. These workout routines include sprinting, jogging, and swimming. The statistics show that players spend about 60 minutes running during a soccer game. Cardiovascular workouts should last around the same time to help players develop the endurance to perform at optimal levels during matches. 

The most popular cardiovascular exercise you can try is the endurance sprint. This routine involves running 100 meters on a full sprint and then jogging back to the starting spot. The jog helps you recover and catch your breath. 

While performing this drill or any other cardiovascular routine, use a heart monitor to track your heart rate to ensure you’re utilizing the maximum energy required for endurance workouts. During any cardiovascular exercise, your heart rate should be around 60-80%. At this rate, oxygen transportation and blood volume are at maximum.

  1. Interval Training

Interval training involves alternating between different drills during your workout sessions to condition your muscles to get used to the fast pace of match situations. This way, they develop the strength to prevent needless strain or tear during intense moments in a Football game. Generally, during interval training, you switch between high-intensity and low-energy exercises. 

Most top professionals train using the 80/20 rule: 80% of their workouts are low energy, while the remaining 20% are high intensity. The low energy routines give your heart time to recover from the pace of the intense exercises. Some examples of interval training drills are routines that require players to jog, dribble and sprint simultaneously. 


Speed and stamina are two of the most crucial physical traits soccer players must have to compete at the elite level of the sport. Players who lack both qualities are liabilities to their teams, as they lack the speed to keep up with the pace of the game, and they burn out quickly because of a lack of stamina. To improve your speed and stamina, you’ll need to train with drills and workouts that build your leg and core muscles and develop your cardiovascular system. The stamina and speed workout for soccer, in this article are effective in helping you reach the peak of your abilities and perform at the highest level.


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