10 Must Carry TREKKING EQUIPMENTS For Your Trek

things to take on a trek

Written by Rachna Shekar

Business graduate with a zest for creative writing. Sports and fitness enthusiast. pursuing passions by connecting the dots!

August 4, 2017

TREKKING EQUIPMENTS | You breathe in and breathe out the fresh air which is a fortunate stroke of serendipity, a result of you gathering the courage to embark upon your new adventure. You’ve successfully climbed the mountain trail and reached the peak. The adventure of scaling your way up to the summit was absolutely exhilarating.  

A sense of achievement gives you a refreshing rush. You sit down on a boulder upon the summit and take a minute to look at the view as you exhale your fears. Looking at the breathtaking dawn trickle down in front of you leaves you with a newfound appreciation for the beauty of nature and for the magic of starting something new.

The saying goes ‘you need special shoes for trekking and a bit of a special soul as well’. But the soul searching happens when on a trek, and the preparation is what is in your hands.  We have made a list of essentials to aid your next trekking adventure and we rest assure, you can cross off the list of items on it, leave your worries behind and go on that soul-searching adventure.

Here is a list of 10 things you must carry when embarking on a trekking adventure.

1) Trekking pants and t-shirts:

Travel pants with additional multi-functional pockets useful on treks for keeping phones, money, tissues and other things handy. Short-sleeved t-shirts preferably quick-dry or regular cotton and long-sleeved travel/trekking shirt.

trekking jacket

2) Innerwear and PJs/ sleeping pants:

Cotton yoga pants work quite well. It’s best advised to carry comfortable innerwear however many pairs necessary based on the nature and duration of the trek.

3) Hiking Shoes and few Pairs of socks:

Shoes may be the most important thing you bring to a trek so it’s best to invest in a solid comfortable pair of hiking shoes and break into them before the trek. Your shoes can literally make or break a trip. As for socks, woollen hiking socks are best advised as it lasts longer and is most suited for heavy usage.

trekking shoes

4) Sweatshirts and Jackets: 

Layers play a very important role in your trek. It’s best to stay warm especially in cold locations like on hilltops, mountain passes or through storms. Even if the days are warm at low altitude, nights may still be chilly. On summit days you’ll often need to pile on everything you have to get to the top, only to peel it off layer by layer as you descend. A fleece jacket, thin windbreaker and waterproof outer jackets, sweaters and sweatshirts are best advised.

5) Flip flops or river shoes:

At the end of a long day of walking, you may want to take off your hiking shoes and give your feet a rest. But you’ll still need something on your feet to walk around.  That’s where flip flops or river shoes worn with socks are perfect.

river shoes

 6) Headlamp:

Lights the way and keeps your hands free. If you’re camping, headlamps are of course absolutely essential.


 7) Reusable water bottle:

Carry a reusable (1 litre preferable) water bottle on you and refill along the way. Even if you plan on staying at homestays, limit the usage of plastic bottles although they are easily available. Try to avoid them especially on the roads as you’ll face a problem while disposing of them and it will only litre the place further. So it’s best to carry a reusable bottle or flask as per your convenience and choice.

 8) Sun protection: Sunscreen, hat and sunglasses are a must!

The sun’s rays are exceptionally powerful at altitude and you’ll find yourself especially exposed when there isn’t a cloud in the sky. As you advance higher in elevation, the sun becomes scary strong. So even if you tan beautifully on the beach without any sunscreen, be sure to pack ample and strong sunscreen. Bring the highest SPF sunscreen you can find.  Carry a hat that will protect your face from the sun. Trekking with a sunburn on your head, face or hands will leave you miserable. And if your sunburn is bad enough, you’ll almost feel flu-like.  Also, be sure to have sunglasses with quality lenses that protect your eyes. Otherwise, they too will become burned and sore.

hiking hat

9) Essentials:

  • Moisturizing skin cream
  • lip balm (with SPF)
  • Toilet paper
  • Medicines: Band-Aids, aspirin/Tylenol, Cipro (or another stomach antibiotic), Amoxicillin (or another basic antibiotic to treat sinus infections), rehydration packets, anti-flu powder (a packet that dissolves in water that breaks fevers may work better than a pill if someone has been throwing up)
  • duct tape
  • Quick-Drying Travel Towel
  • Silicone earplugs: A good night’s sleep on the trekking trail is supremely important for your condition. And although you may be sleeping in the middle of nowhere, there are still noises from roosters, howler monkeys, birds, lions, and not least other trekkers that will all conspire to keep you up. That’s where earplugs come to the rescue and help shut it all down to silence.
  • Walking stick: Highly recommended on most treks, especially for downhill sections.
  • Camera: capture the memories you make.
  • Batteries, memory cards: It’s usually better to assume that you won’t find electricity along your trekking route.
  • Portable chargers.
  • Hand sanitizer gel and soap: One of the best ways to avoid becoming ill. Wash your hands thoroughly and often.
  • Zip bags for old clothes.
  • Sleeping bags.
  • A multi-tool device with a knife, bottle opener, screwdriver, and more comes in quite handy when on the trail.

10) Snacks:

A small stash combination of Snickers bars, granola/power bars, a jar of peanut butter and crackers. Carry a little bit of both salty and sweet foods. Don’t overstuff your luggage with snacks and carry only some ample amount.

Your travel kit size depends on the duration of your trek. If it’s a shorter trek, its best to pack fewer clothes and reuse few and avoid heavy load. Follow these guidelines for a successful and safe journey.

So cross off your checklist, prepare, pack up, take the trail, and go on that new adventure!

Read: 5 Things You Need To Make Sure While Embarking On A Cycling Tour


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