12 Childhood Sports Moments: Just kid things | Playo

Childhood love for cricket

Written by Sheryl Thomas

Sport Enthusiast with a penchant for Writing. Art and Music Lover, Foodie and a Travel buff.

November 14, 2016

I’m sure you have had one of these childhood sports moments! Which do you remember the most?

There is a famous saying that reads “Do not let the Child inside you die”. But unfortunately as we grow, our Childhood turns into fond memories and leaves us aching for more of it. What did most of us do when we were kids? Not a care in the world except for those petty Homeworks from school that burdened our rather meagre play time, we were Butterflies flying to try out every sport that existed.

Sports Days and PT Periods always stole the show. The excitement for these timely events never died and the pride mattered. These occasions are unforgettable memories right now that have found a deep place within our heart and soul. Let’s take a walk down the memory lane and rediscover the Child inside us with these Childhood moments enlisted.

  • How most of us dreamt of playing Cricket at Lord’s and Eden Gardens but ended up as a Software Engineer!

    You cannot take this off your head and the demon will keep chasing you! Everybody dreams about making it great in sports some day. Of course, that’s the first activity we fall in love with as kids and soon starts to take root in us. But the saddest part is, as we grew for most of us, the ambition of becoming a Cricketer or Footballer bloomed into an Engineer. Screw you Education System!

  • Losing Endless Cricket Balls and Shuttle Cocks and nagging Mom for 10 Bucks to buy another one.

    “And there goes the Balllll …He hits it for a 6! And it lands into the neighbour’s house.” Forget it! The match is over for the day until we get a new ball. This was the story every time we took it to the streets to play cricket or shuttle. Landing a shuttlecock or a ball into the neighbour’s backyard meant you were never gonna get it back. GAME OVER!

    Children playing cricket on the streets

    Image: Buzzfeed

  • Breaking Neighbour Aunty’s Window and Running for life.

    Gosshhh! This is the worst of all nightmares. Whenever my friend ends up breaking one, I get blamed for it. And the cycle repeats all over again. When you think what’s the worst that could happen, she calls up your mom and complains about the issue, which means you are grounded for the next few days.

  • Getting into your School Sports Team was more than just a dream.

    The trials, the embarrassments, the countless bunking of classes, the bruises all over your body, only to get into your School Sports Team which means you are part of the Coolest pack of the School.

  • The Forbidden street in the neighbourhood is your Cricket Pitch and the Barren Land Close by is your Football Turf.

    If there’s nobody walking on that lonely road, you’ll soon see a gang of school kids convert that into their evening cricket destination or football spot. Coz Mumma asks to stay away from the vehicles.


    Image: Boston.com

  • Bunking Classes because you have a Sports OD!

    Walking out of the Class like a boss and making the rest of the kids in the Class jealous. How? Why? Because a “Sports OD” is all you need! Moreover, nobody ever gets to question you.

  • India vs Pakistan matches gave you a break from Outdoor sports.

    This rivalry never dies. I don’t know why this heats up so bad but whenever an India vs Pakistan match is on air, every street in the Country is as empty as the desert. This means Holiday to the street sports and time for some hot chai and Bhajji!

    India vs pakistan

    Image: Narendra Modi Achievements

  • “Do you have a Shuttle bat?” was the most asked question in the neighbourhood.

    Okay! The reason this question always pops up is because I had a good old bat. And every time I pulled the strings out, there’ll be nothing left to play with. I cannot go to my parents for the nth time already in a month to ask for a new one, thus forcing me to press on my neighbours to lend me. And if you are less than 10 years old, you are never gonna get it.

  • That dawning sadness when the “PT Period” turns into “Maths Period”.

    Every single time a “PT Period” gets converted into some damn boring period, there comes an automatic “Facepalm”. No other words to describe that feeling. Just Terrible! And whoever was responsible for this is the most hated person in the class already.

    Facepalm reaction

    Image: 2Houses

  • Climbing on trees to get hold of the Shuttlecock that your friend hit.

    I don’t remember how many times I’ve done this but all I can say is they called me the “Tarzan” of the Pack.  The decision to climb the tree to catch the locked-up Shuttlecock solely depends on two factors: 1. The distance between the tree and the ground is fair enough for me to land a jump 2. I really want that Shuttlecock bad enough. Else just Let it Go Bruhh!

  • Those trivial fights for who gets to bat first or captain the team.

    This might make a team or break it. “So who gets to bat first?” Ask it and people will lose their head. You might as well see a world war on the streets for the only bat in play.


    Image: Play Your Sport

  • Winning a medal on the Sports Day felt like you had conquered the whole world.

    Oh! That Feeling! Irreplaceable *_* Oops! I’m dreaming already. Nothing can ever replace the feeling of winning a medal and standing on the podium especially on one of those noteworthy days of your School Calendar. You get to be a part of lot of fancy pictures and fandom. Suddenly the whole school cries out for you. Classic Childhood Memory!


    Image: Asda Good Living

Nostalgia Hits are often required, to make you feel lost and loved. I hope this good read took you on a jolly ride on the best part of your life – Your Priceless Childhood days. Have a memory to share with us? Email your stories to sheryl@playo.co. We’ll have it featured for you.

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