6 Diets For Athletes Who is Working Towards Fitness

diets for athletes

Written by Souvik Chakraborty

Souvik Chakraborty is an animal when it comes to partying, otherwise, he is an English Literature graduate and enthusiast with a professional experience of over five years in writing advertisements, blog wisdom and articles in print and electronic magazines. He's also worked on various reality shows and is currently trying to sell scripts of feature length.

August 19, 2017

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DIETS FOR ATHLETES | Athletes have a high susceptibility to insulin contamination. A little bit of sugar in an athlete’s body is detrimental to their sports. A sugar rush can make their body bloat, crash and collapse. So it is highly important that sportsmen follow a diet. It should be highly conducive to any meal plan which may be followed without much preparation but can be followed with the ease of a springtime breeze.

1) Bananas

banana diet

First up, are bananas. When athletes sweat out they leave out a heavy amount of potassium which needs to be replenished on a regular basis. Often times this is done through bars and energy tonic drinks and foods. But, those who are a little snobbish about having packaged or processed foods or drinks, they should pick up fruits.  The good fruits of the natural world like bananas are naturally found a high source of potassium.

2) Nutella

Nutella is an amazing combination of protein and slowly digestible fats. Burning fats, carbs and the excess of baggage is always important. But if the process happens over a period of time or if the process is showered then this is a good way of diet management without necessarily giving away tasty foods from the list.

3) Olive Oil

olive oil

Olive oils are an important choice for inducing monounsaturated fats in an athlete’s system. This ensures that there are no complaints about bone inflammation and other stress induced pain and sufferings. Likewise, a heavy dose of Vitamin C helps both in boosting immunity as well as quick healing small lesions and cuts.

4) Oatmeal


Oatmeals are highly appreciated diets for the sportsmen, oatmeals are a hybrid mix of carbohydrates as well as fibres at the same time. Oatmeals are the go getting meals for any modern athletes.

5) Sea Fishes

edible sea fish

Sea fishes like salmon reduce the risk of bone inflammation and other issues that are directly related to the diseases of the heart and lungs. The main reason behind the sea fish making it to the plate of athletes is the omega 3 fatty acids found in them. As a thumb rule athletes are also asked to have

6) Beans


Beans can be a good alternative for those who are not into meat and bones. Not only beans carry a high dose of non-saturated fat. But, beans essentially supply iron and carbohydrates besides being a rich source of vitamins and minerals like copper and magnesium. Beans are an important source of roughage too so that necessarily smoothens the digestion and absorption of the nutrients in the athletes.

It is important that the athletes maintain a healthy immune system and for these, they aim at a diet which is solid and guilt free. This means that there is a no-nonsense room for the athletes to give in to lethargic carbohydrate rich diet. Canned food, soda, aerated drinks, pop corn and other junks are an absolute sin. Too much of these in an athlete’s body could lead to too much of blood pressure, or diabetic elements. Rest alone a higher dose of anti oxidants and heart-affecting chemicals.

Read: 6 Common Diets You Are Doing The Wrong Way


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