Wanna Try Out Some Tennis As Beginner?

Written by Aurobindo Dharsaun

June 29, 2017

Every beginner needs some helpful and accurate advice when starting to play tennis. If you are eager to get on the court with your new racquet, you should read a great deal before heading out to the courts.

The five practical tips outlined here, are created in the interest of simplifying the process for the novice and ensuring that your time on the court is joyous and effective.

#1 – Get a good coach

Before you head out to the courts armed with your racket, find someone to guide you so that you are on the right foot, from the start. No matter the level of player, an instructor is needed to demonstrate the basic techniques and footwork of the sport.

Be open to hearing out what your coach might have to say regardless of how long you’ve been watching the sport. Playing tennis is a completely different beast from just watching it.

Watching some videos on the internet might save you money, but these videos cannot replace an instructor. Taking a few private lessons is generally the first step for those just starting out, because the basics can often be learned in a few private sessions, and good habits will be developed from this short span.

#2 – Loosen your grip

When a beginner starts getting a feel for his racket, you can see him clutching it as if he is holding onto a lifeline. When your grip is stiff and hard, it puts unnecessary pressure on your wrist and you will be unable to snap down and accelerate the ball. This is especially prominent in spin / kick serves. Hold your racquet as if you were holding a magician’s wand.

This is why the most successful and less injury-prone professional tennis usually prefer more orthodox and simple grips instead of other more extreme alternatives.

#3 – Persistent Practice makes the beginner perfect

Tennis is a sport where improvement can be seen on a daily basis. This is often the most exciting and rewarding aspect of the sport for beginners. Growth in a player’s game will be seen with each practice session. With that in mind, the second tip is to simply practice. Practice makes perfect, so the more you are able to get out on the court and practice what you learned from your instructor, the faster your game will improve.

There are no shortcuts for a beginner to learn how to play tennis, but instead it will require dedication and focused practice. By practicing with a purpose every time you go out on the court, not only will your mind and body become more productive, you will be able to set goals for yourself and compare your performance according to your own personal benchmarks.

#4 – Never skip Fitness and Physical training

Before your practice session begins, it is important to warm up your body. Stretching and running are keys to making sure your body is ready to take on a practice session. They can also prevent beginner characteristic injuries from occurring. Running some laps, doing some sprints and jumping jacks will get your heart pumping.

Create a warm-up routine that you can use every time you step on the court. If you have difficulty putting a routine together, then ask someone for help even if you can’t afford a personal fitness trainer. The odds are that someone you already know has a pretty solid fitness/warmup routine.

#5 – Learn to judge the ball

Image result for tennis beginner

The beginner’s Ball judgment ability improves automatically through lots of playing, but we can accelerate the process with one simple drill. Simply play the ball after two bounces instead of one. You’ll have to move further back, of course, but you should still aim to make the first bounce in the service box. This drill will help you see how far the ball actually goes after the first bounce, and that will help you internalize its trajectory.

Play a two-bounce drill for a few minutes and then go back to playing after only one bounce to see if your ball judgment ability has improved. We’re confident that you will notice a substantial difference. This will go a long way in giving you the confidence to have a “feel” for the game.

Also read: 5 Drills That Will Help You Nail The Tennis Backhand


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