What is Stress? Why play a sport to deal with it?!

Written by Govind Pillai

A keen observer of everything sports and current affairs, an enthusiast of motorcycles and someone who strives to keep improving, his priorities and career are intertwined with traveling, stories and images!

October 28, 2021

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On this year’s Stress Awareness Day, let’s talk about the mind-numbing stress you might be going through daily and a few reasons as to why you should pick up a sport to battle it!

How to know if you’re stressed?

Watch out for these warning signs that your body might start giving you!

  • Feeling anxious, irritable or low in self-esteem
  • Racing thoughts
  • Constantly worrying and going over things in your head
  • Starting to lose your temper more easily or acting unreasonably
  • Experience headaches, muscle tension, or dizziness

What are the factors that lead to stress?

  • Being under massive pressure
  • Not having control over the outcome
  • Having overwhelming responsibilities
  • Being idle or not having enough work/activities
  • Moments of uncertainty

How to deal with the stress?

  • Going for a walk will considerably help in reducing adrenaline and cortisol (the culprit hormones) in your body
  • Normalise practising mindfulness
  • Start playing a sport
  • Maintain a journal to reflect upon yourself (Use Notes in your phone if you don’t feel like writing)
  • Try to get more organised

Why is playing ideal for stress management?

Playing a sport has a direct impact on both your mental and physical well-being. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of making sports a part of your routine and how it can eliminate stress.

Lowers your blood pressure if it’s high and raises the good cholesterol levels

This has a direct impact on your daily life because when one is having higher blood pressure, higher are the chances for the person to react in a more explosive manner than when they have a normal or lower blood pressure. Lower blood pressure would also mean your heart is not under stress. Definitely a good thing right?

Controls weight and strengthens your body

The most well-known and the most driving factors for most people to get started with a sport again is either to control their weight or after realising the body has started weakening a bit. Playing a sport is one of the best cardios you can do. Much need not be said about this!

Helps you sleep better

If you end up spending a lot of screen time and find it difficult to get some sleep, try playing a sport. There’s no better way to feel sleepy than being physically tired. Playing a sport ensures your body demands sleep from you and that you have unhindered sleep throughout the night!

Boosts your energy level

If you have played a sport before, there is no need for me to explain more to you! If you haven’t played a sport before, trust us on this. We know it sounds like an oxymoron but engaging your body in playing a sport for an hour or so will actually keep you energetic throughout the day! (Only till you hit that bed!)

Improves self-esteem

Facing self-esteem issues? Please pick a sport for your own sake! Win or lose, there is pride in finishing a hard fought game. You start to notice that the smaller victories on court are slowly starting to boost both your self-esteem and self-confidence. Nothing can beat your stress like the joy in playing a brilliant stroke or making an exquisite move!

“The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends getting at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity every week. However, they also suggest breaking it down by tackling 30-minute workout sessions at least five days a week.”

Any form of exercise can help you by improving fitness and reducing stress. However, selecting an activity that you enjoy rather than dread is quite important. If you are a person who don’t like running, never choose jogging or running as your preferred activity. Until you find a sport that you truly enjoy, keep playing different sports. If you’re having fun with your activity, higher are the chances of you being a regular!

Read More About Playing A Sport To Combat Stress

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