Fitness Regimes driving you crazy? Football Diets Made Easy!

Football Diets made easy

Written by Playo

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November 5, 2016

Whether you are a Football player or not, you are still going to eat 3 meals per day with a bit of munchies now and then. Diet doesn’t mean you have to eat only salads and drink water. That’s a very wrong perception to live a healthy life. Diet includes a balanced meal containing all the nutrients your body requires. So here’s what PLAYO is suggesting for your Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Snacks for the day.


Breakfast diet for Football

A Glass of Fresh Juice

Go grab your favourite fruit and put it into the juicer, switch it on and booomm! You’ve got yourself a Breakfast drink for the day. Also if you haven’t got any fruits left, you can always go with the Milk drink.

Toasted Bread in Butter

If Mumma is too lazy to cook you a meal, she always did this Bread & Butter toast. Did you know that it’s healthy for your body? No, but you whined. A simple dish at that, you can keep your tummy filled in the mornings with this.

Boiled Eggs

Eggs supply the much needed proteins that your body requires. So take an egg or two, put it into boiling water and you are good to go.

Oatmeal with Fruits

Oatmeal makes a balanced breakfast providing good amount of fibers and proteins. If you are bored eating the same plain oatmeal, you can top it off with some glazed fruits and nuts. Or try the savoury version of Oatmeal.


Lunch diet for football

Salad dressed in Lemon Juice

When we talk about salads, okay don’t make that face already, we aren’t talking about the vegetables you hate. You could make a healthy salad out of any protein and vitamin you like. What do you think about a chicken salad? Doesn’t sound that bad right?

Chicken Steak

Whoever told you Chicken steak is not healthy is crazy! We tell you, it is okay to consume Chicken Steak at your favourite restaurant and still feel healthy. But we do have some limitations. Too much of anything is not good.

Tuna/ Salmon

Tuna and Salmon are a rich source of proteins and omega-3 fatty acids. You can eat these fishes twice a week. Also make sure you don’t stock them up in the fridge often and buy them fresh.


Banana has got numerous health benefits. For example, it improves digestion, high source of potassium and also helps in restoring your energy levels.




Eating just three meals a days is way too boring. Munching is necessary. So if you feel hungry let go off the chips packet and eat your favourite fruit bowl.

Nuts and Raisins

They have a high source of Iron, Phosphorous and potassium. Nuts and Raisins help in improving your blood circulation.

Cookies and Biscuits

Eating a few portions of your favourite Choco chip cookie that your aunt made is after all not that bad. Go ahead!


Dinner Diet


Nom nom nom! Fusilli, Spaghetti or Penne, which one is your pick for tonight? Also don’t forget the yumilicious sauce you are going to add to the dish.

Grilled Chicken/ Fish/ Beef

Get that meat off the fridge or visit the supermarket now. Cook yourself a good grill sided with roasted veggies and mashed potato.

Ice cream with Toppings

So seeing this on the list made the child jump in you, right? A limited portion of Ice cream with your favourite fruit topping once in a while is good for your health. Of course, the happier you feel, the healthier you live.

Who said you should be an absolute control freak on a stringent diet to stay fit? You can eat all that you want, but do remember the Golden rule “Too much of anything is good for nothing”.

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