Best Football Warm Up Exercise One Must Do Before Playing

Warm up exercises before Football game

Written by Playo

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November 29, 2016

Playing Football? Don’t forget to do football warm up exercise before starting to play.

If you are not starting your football game with a bit of warm-up, then you are doing it absolutely wrong. Warm-ups are essential to prep your body to handle all the game stress and reduce the risk of injuries. It eases out your body tension and makes your body flexible, also improving your speed and agility. It is necessary to indulge in at least 10 minutes of stretches before you could begin your game in order to ensure that your body temperature and blood flow is regulated.

The most common warm-ups include walking, jogging and stretches for every muscle portion. Let us analyse the specific kind of warm-ups we need to follow for every football game.

1. Jogging

It is the “cardinal” of all the Warm-ups. Before you could begin your stretches, it is always advisable to do 5-10 minutes of Jogging to relax your body muscles. Jogging improves blood circulation and thereby keeps your body warm.

2. Dynamic stretches

Stretches are very important in firing you up before the start of the game. There are two kinds of stretches in Warm-ups but the Dynamic stretches are preferred over the Static stretches as they have a vigorous impact on the flexibility of the muscles. A combination of both the Static and Dynamic stretches could also be of good help to the players. You could follow these Dynamic stretches in your Warm-ups to help power your game.

Shoulder Stretch


This one is especially for the Goalies as their hands are involved more in the game. This helps to get the fatigue out of your body before you start the game and preps you for the match. It is also one of the simplest stretches in the books.


Shoulder Stretch for Warm-up before Football

  1. Stand straight and raise your hands above your shoulders.
  2. Lock both the hands over the head.
  3. Stretch the hands upwards.

Torso Stretch


This might look simple but it’s the “All-in-all”. It is one of the best stretching exercises which helps in flexing your entire body.


Torso stretch for Warm-up before Football

  1. Stand straight with your legs stretched out.
  2. Lift your hands above your body.
  3. Hold your left upper arm with your right hand and hold your right elbow with your left hand.
  4. Stretch your body towards the left.
  5. Now repeat the steps for the other side.



Easy Peasy and super effective stretch. We would have definitely done this when we were kids and our P.T couldn’t help but teach us some simple warm-ups. This strengthens your back and your legs.


Bend your Back before Football

  1. Stand on the floor in a relaxed position.
  2. Bend your body forward.
  3. Try to touch your feet with your hands.
  4. Stay in the same position for 5 seconds and repeat the exercise.

Hamstring stretch


If you are looking for something that helps in strengthening the hamstrings, the hips and the back, this is the one to go for.


Hamstring stretch for warm-up before football

  1. Sit down on the floor with folded legs and stretch one leg out.
  2. Hold your feet together with both the hands and stretch your back.
  3. Remain in the position for 10 seconds and repeat the exercise.

Hip Rotation


A little warm-up of the hip is definitely required before the start of any game. That is why we recommend you to put this into practice.


Hip Rotation for Warm-up before Football

  1. Stand straight with your palm resting on a wall.
  2. Rotate your hit to the left and right slowly and stretch.

Calf stretch


The most fatigued portion is the calf muscle, so it is essential you keep these muscle toned down before the start of the game in order to avoid any muscle tear.


calf stretch for warm-up

  1. Stand straight and rest your arms on the wall.
  2. Put one foot forward while the other is stretched well behind.
  3. Push your body towards the wall.

Spending time for warm-ups will definitely keep you in shape and reduce the risk of injuries. A lot of warm-up exercises are available online. You can refer to Youtube tutorials by Extratraining to get more assistance. Now go get your shoes, it’s time for some FOOTBALL! Download the PLAYO app right away and book your slots for your favourite football courts.

To make your work-outs easier we have suggested Football diets for you.


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