Kalyan Nagar needed a supreme quality Football Turf, the voices of the residents were heard and thus came up the Bangalore Football Turf in September 2016.
Where’s Bangalore Football Turf exactly based at?
Landmark: Royal Suites Apartment
The exact location of Bangalore Football Turf (BFT) is at the junction of Hennur-Bagalur road. It is very close to Manyata Tech Park and residents of Banaswadi as well.
Facilities offered at BFT:
The arena has two 5-a-side Football facilities which can be converted to play 7-a-side football. The facility is laid out with world class Astro Turf and attracts numerous football lovers from the locality.
What’s so special about BFT? It is open throughout day and night and anytime you wanna get a game of good football. So cool right?
They offer you all basic facilities like Parking Space, Washroom, Change room and first Aid. They also provide Football at the venue, so you needn’t carry one.
Do visit the venue with your colleagues and friends and Tell us how you liked it in the comments.
Download PLAYO app on your phone to book slots for the game. Check out the other Football Venues as well.
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