These Basic On Court Tennis Drills May Help You Take Your Game To A-Level

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July 4, 2018

Tennis is a high-intensity game that requires a lot of physical strength and concentration to ace the game. Here are few Tennis drills that will help you become better at the sport.

To begin with there are two types of drills in Tennis, on-court and off-court drills. Basically, these drills give you the idea of a certain situation that may occur during the match.

There are several drills that one needs to do when it comes to Tennis but worry not if you think to do dozens of drills is difficult. The best thing about the drills is that they are basically the variation of similar drills that one can do.

The difference between an on-court drill and off-court drill is that on-court drills help you understand your shots according to the direction of the ball so that you can have a better control over the game.

Off-court drills help increase your stamina, strengthen your muscles and movement around the court.

  • On-Court Drills 

  1. Serve Tennis Drills: This drill involves practice as it helps to improve the accuracy of the player’s service. The player should aim for the place on the service box by taking the help of ball hopper and aim their services at that spot. The player can do the same with cans and aim at the cans, later he can do the same with another player or his coach.

2. Backhand Slice Drill: Stand in the baseline with your feet perpendicular to the line and ask your coach to hit shots t your backhand. The speed can be anything from slow to medium and you can change the position of your feet for better balance.

Swing the racket in backward motion that will lift your racket upwards and the ball has to go over the net. This drill needs a lot of practice and patience in order to send the ball above the net.

3. Forehand Tennis Drill: Start by standing close to the service line and ask your coach or friend to serve from the diagonal side of the court. The serve should be soft and hit the ball with very firm forehand side.


The other forehand drills you can do is 5 forehand, backhand and forehand and ‘V’ Volley drill.


These drills will help you become a better judge of the situations and balls that will be thrown at you during the match. Keep practising!


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