Sports makes you happy- Here’s how | Playo

sports and happiness

Written by Daanish Suhail

June 2, 2021

Playing sports makes you happy, healthy and fit!

“Cross, cross,cross! He’s OPEN… C’mon man! WTF!”

“Bowl full on the middle stump!”

Remember shouting these and similar slogans at the TV when your favorite team is playing? That adrenaline, that passion, that enthu, it’s almost as if we are playing on the field. If just watching a match does this to us, imagine what would happen if we played! 

It’s a mix of emotions thrown at us! Love, anger, happiness, sadness, the adrenaline rush and what not!

This happens because we love this thing so much that we just can’t help, but ‘feel’ those emotions! What happens when you release your emotions? It makes us happy!

Playing sports has the added benefit of being fit and active, keeping your body happy too.

We can agree, the sheer joy of living in the moment, being “in the zone”, not worrying about a thing right now comes with very few things, and playing sports is one of them.

Playing sports gives you a sense of achievement and can lighten up anyone’s mood. It’s fun and social in nature, which is why it can put a smile on anyone’s face.

While playing is fun, winning any game brings another level of joy.

Here’s an info-graphic by Happify that shows us with the help of some science, how sports make us happy :

Sports And Happiness

If you do play sports now you can say “I’m happy and I know it” and for those who don’t #NoMoreExcuses, get those shoes out and get #Playoholic!

Hence, we can say with certainty, sports makes you happy!

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