With the Football turfs in Bengaluru running a whole lot famous, Kick On Sweat On is also part of the family of football venues laid out across the city.
How to locate the venue?
Kick On Sweat On is based at HSR Layout and is just a 5-minute walk from Silk Board Junction. It is located in ITI Layout; It can be reached from Hotel Ibis near the Electronic City flyover in less than 20 minutes.
Amenities at Kick On Sweat on:
Having a huge gang of Football buddies and no ground to play should be really depressing. That’s why you need to walk into Kick on Sweat on with your gang to check out the turfs at the venue.
They have 3 Football turfs at the spot which includes two 5 a-side turfs and one 7 a-side turf open from 5 am to 1 am the next day.
The arena also has facilities for changing your jerseys before the start of the game as you are provided with a Change-room.
The other facilities include Washroom, Parking space and Drinking Water.
Bibs are also given to the players at the venue.
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