Explosive Speed Training Drills: For a stronger and faster body

Explosive drills that help with speed

Written by Nidhi Patel

October 23, 2020

If you intend to become fit, a faster runner or a better sportsman then you require to include explosive speed training drills to your workout regime. The point of including this type of training is to increase your power output.

Explosive training is a combination of speed and strength. The quick bursts of power come from drills that focus on explosive training.

These explosive training drills require an athlete to give maximum output in the shortest possible time.

Explosive training should start gradually. It is not wise to go all out in the beginning. Slowly building up the pace is important to avoid any injuries. There is a certain degree of risk involved with explosive training isn’t tackled correctly.

So what are the best drills you can do to gain explosive power?

1. Squat thrusts

You got to start in a plank position and jump forward to land on your feet in a wide squat stance. Your hands will be lifted off the floor and will be placed in front of your chest. While squatting your back should be straight and your chest will be out. 

 Once you have completed this, go back to your start position by placing your hands on the floor and jumping back to the plank position.

Here’s how: 

2. Reverse lunge with knee up

You will begin with feet that are hip-width apart. Step back with any one leg in order to perform a reverse lunge. Engage your core and shift all your weight on the other foot. Bring the foot that is behind forward and simultaneously jump off the other foot. Bring the forward foot to your chest to perform a ‘knee up’. Land softly and repeat. You can alternate with the legs or do some repetitions on one leg and then go on to the other.

Here’s how: 

Once you have mastered this, you can do the same by increasing the resistance by adding dumbbells.

3. Burpees with tuck jump

In this exercise, you will have to do a normal burpee. But once you have done this, instead of going back to the normal position to repeat a burpee, do a tuck jump. This means you have to jump by bringing both your knees as close to your chest as possible. Land as soft as possible and then go on to start the next repetition.

Here’s how: 

4. Spot Agility Drills

Spot agility drills include short and quick movements. These quick movements must be done continuously and no pause should be taken for the best results. These can be done anywhere. And the longer you can do each exercise the better. Start with maybe 10-15 seconds and try to go on to 30 seconds. 

Here’s the various drills that you can do:

5. Ladder drills

Ladder drills are amazing. They are quick in nature and can be useful for most sports and running. It includes a series of very fast movements and which can get complicated. It involves a bit of running, jumping and twisting that are very essential to help in navigating you around a court or field effortlessly.

Here are a few drills to learn: 

6. Box jumps (with variations)

The basic jump:

Take a box that is at a decent height. The height must be increased over time. Jump up horizontally onto the box and keep your weight on your heels. As you land on the box, make sure you land in a squat position. While taking off from the floor, use the swing of your arms to guide you. Repeat the same. This is a great exercise that will help you react faster and in a short amount of time. It will increase strength in your legs.

There are quite a few variants to these. Weights can be added too, but later on.

Here’s how:  



Don’t stick to the same workout. Add these explosive drill exercises to your routine to give you an edge. It will help you increase your strength and power over time.

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