Playing during Omicron scare? Before we get all geared up and start prepping to go to the court again, we need to remember the war against Covid is not done yet. We’ll all have to adhere to some basic rules/guidelines to ensure everyone’s safety..
What we expect from you during the ongoing Omicron scare:
- Bring your own equipment so that you are safe and help others stay safe.
- Walk into your court exactly on time, instead of hanging around while the previous players are still playing.
- Change shoes, warm up outside the court so that you don’t lose time while you are waiting for your slot.
- After the game, don’t hang around to chat with fellow players, move out and keep distance with fellow players if you are chatting and remember to keep the mask on.
- Sanitize your hands while you walk into the court and also when you walk out.
- Avoid choosing adjacent courts instead leave a court’s space and pick the next one, when possible.
- Avoid drinking water from the water cooler and instead carry your own bottle for a few weeks.
- If you have to cough or sneeze, remember to use a handkerchief or a towel. It is not just hygienic, it gets you brownie points for doing it right in a public place.
These are a few protocols we’ll be following:
We have released a set of guidelines for our partner venues to follow.
- The venues will be sanitized.
- Please look out for the badge on the venues choose venues following the safety guidelines
- Rental equipment will be sanitized after use (however we encourage you to bring your own equipment)
- Only people with valid bookings allowed into the venue thus restricting large gathering

The lockdown has to be avoided and we applaud your effort in maintaining social distancing and helping curb the spread of the virus. But this will all be in vain if we do not adhere to the above guidelines.
Hence, we request one and all to #PlaySafe.