Learn backstroke: An easy guide into Swimming the right way.

Fight boredom by swimming

Written by Nidhi Patel

December 15, 2020

If you want to be an all-around swimmer, you must learn backstroke. It is said that backstroke is one of the easiest strokes to learn, no matter one’s age.

Mastering backstroke is just a matter of practice. Definitely, a few skills are required. Such as learning to turn and learning to stay headed in a straight line.

Backstroke is an asymmetrical stroke where the legs and hands alternate. Arm leg coordination is key.

Use these steps to learn backstroke:
Step 1: Form

In any sport, the form is of utmost importance. Hence, while doing a backstroke, you need to ensure that your body is as flat as possible. With this in mind, most people find it hard to keep their hips afloat.

However, if you are one of these people, it’s ok. It is important to keep your hips as close to the surface of the water as possible.

Ultimately, it will be easier to keep yourself flat as you start moving.

Step 2: Head Position

One must be comfortable with the fact that the sides of their head will be covered with water. In backstroke, the key is to use your energy efficiently. However, your head should be semi-submerged in the water. The water shouldn’t enter your eyes, but it should cover your ears.

Obviously, a swimming cap or ear plugs are needed to keep the water from entering. Make sure not to bring your chin to your chest.

Step 3: The Kick-

When you’re in position, start kicking. Your legs should remain straight and close together. Make sure that they are below your hips.

In order to propel forward, use small kicking motions. At a given time, one leg would be raised and the other would be down.

It is advisable to kick from your hips rather than your knees. In fact, this will generate more power.

Step 4: Arm Motion-

When you begin kicking, your arms will be beside you. Slowly, bring one arm up in front of you in order to point to the sky. From there it should go to your ear and down back into the water.

The direction you want to go, is the direction your hands will point.

It is advised to keep a steady rhythm between the arms and legs.

Step 5: Minimise Resistance-

In order to swim efficiently, it is important that one’s hands enter and exit the water with the edges and not the palm. When one’s arm is lifted out of the water, the thumb should lead.

On entering the water, the pinky should lead. When your hand is in the water pulling you forward, rotate it in a way that your palm faces your feet.


Backstroke is an easy and effective stroke to learn. Follow these steps and you’ll learn backstroke in no time!

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