10 Best Badminton Strings for You

badminton strings

Written by Anubhav Roda

An engineer turned Sports Management professional, it was better late than never for him! An absolute sports freak with interest across sports, Anubhav has had 4 years of experience in the industry across functions. He has the rare experience of working in the Wrestling League and was the man behind the live updates for it. Having written for leading portals, Anubhav keenly follows Cricket, Football, while not missing much of action in Kabaddi, Tennis and Hockey! A Delhite who supports Delhi franchise in all sports possible and Liverpool among the foreign teams, he can go to the extent of skipping a meal when his team loses.

April 28, 2017

Badminton is a beautiful sport and with India’s recent success, a lot of people have taken it up. For beginners, stringing your racket with a good quality string is essential for it optimizes feel, durability and repulsion power. So make sure you purchase the best badminton strings from the store.

Badminton Strings

In case someone wants to take the game seriously, it is advised to be particularly choosy about the string because string tension and type of string shall affect your performance. As a rule of thumb, high tension will give you more control but will reduce power (more swinging power needed). Relatively less tension will add power to hit but will reduce control.

String tensions can be like:

  • Beginners:18lbs – 22lbs
  • Intermediate player: 22lbs – 24 lbs
  • Advanced Players: 25lbs and up

Here are the top strings:

1) BG65


The 1st name that strikes the mind when talking about badminton strings is the BG-65. It offers excellent performance for pros and amateurs alike. Its specially braided fibre ensures a durable soft feeling for lesser stress on the wrist when performing powerful shots. As a top choice for many players, it is hard to go wrong with this string.

2) BG65Ti


Coming from the same family, this string is also quite widely used and works across levels of players. The only difference is the feel of the string, which delivers a hard feeling from the titanium hybrid coating to provide a sharp but comfortable feel. This string works great for improving control, especially for hard-hitting players.

3) Nanogy


One of Yonex’s top-selling products in the Badminton strings, Nanogy is a perfect string for strong smashers. The attacking play puts string to extra work and hence, generating power isn’t the easiest unless one hits from the sweet spot. Nanogy helps with the same and provides good power.

4) BG66 Ultimax

BG66 Ultimax

Though it possesses lower durability, the string helps with exceptional power delivery. Providing a medium feel for serious players, the BG66 Ultimax is favoured by many who love excellent repulsion power in a string.

5) Aerosonic/ BG85

Aerosonic BG85

Some people love the sound of their shots. This is just for them. Although people relate sound a lot to how the connection was with the shuttle these strings enhance the tonal quality of the hits and are said to produce hard-hitting sounds.

6) Zymax 67

Zymax 67

Providing easy stringing and holding tension well, ZyMax finds itself in the list of favourites of leagues of badminton players for these reasons. It serves as an inexpensive alternative for those who want an accessible string whose tension lasts long.

7) BG70 Pro

BG70 Pro

As you move towards professional badminton, you might be tempted to move to a BG70 Pro. Geared towards professional and advanced players who play at high tension, this string is made to facilitate the best control possible.

This string just doesn’t provide control, ensuring accurate drop shots but is used tightly, can also help produce great power in the sacrifice of some control.

8) BG80


Players who love to keep their opponents on the backfoot find the BG80 string reliable, as it delivers high repulsion with a hard feeling. Featuring multifilament material, the advanced material gives players a string with a strong core for great tension holding ability.

9) NBG95


It is designed to suit players with quick feet. The string offers exceptional speed and durability.

In addition to the strong durability, the string also provides for a strong repulsion, suiting a select set of professional players.

10) Ashway ZyMax 65

Ashway ZyMax 65

An upgrade of the ZyMax line, Ashway ZyMax provides string coating without the waxy feeling.

It allows for a highly repulsive string bed, with thin strands that do not stretch at high tensions.

Furthermore, the string delivers exceptional control coupled with a metallic, powerful sound when striking to make for a unique combination.

Also read: 10 Badminton Rackets You Can Buy Under A Budget Of 1000 Bucks

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