5 Fun Pool Exercises That You Must Do While Swimming

Written by Rachna Shekar

Business graduate with a zest for creative writing. Sports and fitness enthusiast. pursuing passions by connecting the dots!

September 17, 2018

If you love the pool, swimming and how the water feels, then this is your chance to kill two fishes with one stone.

Apart from swimming, there are other exercises that you can do in a poolLooking to shed some holiday weight but you’re bored of the same old routine? Well, you’ve come to the right place!
As fun as swimming can be, the benefits we reap with this activity is vast and is the most advised activity for all ages!
A fun-filled sport that it is, swimming is an amazing stress buster as well as a high-calorie burner, makes it the perfect way to keep your mind body and spirit happy and bubbling with an unlimited supply of endorphins for the rest of your day.

Without further ado, let’s look at 5 fun pool exercises that are beneficial for your mind and your body!

  • Aqua aerobics:

Who doesn’t love it when dancing and swimming is combined?! Aqua aerobics is a type of resistance training performed in shallow, knee/ waist deep water to strengthen your muscles and burn that stubborn weight.

Aqua Aerobics is fun and helps you lose weightFor people with arthritis, it is best suggested to perform in slightly deeper water. That doesn’t strain the knees and the joints and delivers better results. Plus, its always a group class, a perfect social event to unwind, groove to the music with your buddies and reap your results.

  • Flutter-kicks:

Here’s your chance to be that annoying kid in the pool again kicking and splashing water on everyone. Performing flutter-kicks are tougher when in the gym as your back goes unsupported.

Flutter kicks in pool

But when done in the pool, the water makes your body lighter and performing the flutter-kicks then doesn’t strain your back as much. It can be assisted with a board as well giving your legs and core the needed results.

  • Chicken Fight:

This game is definitely for all ages who are strong enough to give piggyback rides in the water. The game is simple.

Ride piggyback on the shoulders and then chase or distract the players of the opponent team.

pool exercises

The benefits of water walking are included in this game

First one to fall off their ride’s shoulders loses. All sorts of age-appropriate bad behaviour to distract the other player is encouraged. This game promotes water-walking, a great way to tone up those legs and let’s face it, we get to release that rage that’s inside of us.

  • Pirates:

This is a fun game, played with two teams. An odd number of diving sticks (either 5,7 or 9) are thrown in the middle of the pool.

The players of each team are placed on the opposite ends of the pool and the first pirate to come back with the majority of the sticks wins the game.

But in this game, there is no loser, as every player burns high calories and has lots of fun! We are all pirates at heart.

  • Swimming:
    swimming spot

A total body workout and let’s face it, it is the most exhilarating one of them all. As fun and relaxing as that leisure swims and back floats can be, swimming helps with heart and lung function, improves muscle strength and tone.

It can burn as much as 600 calories per hour.

So, grab your swimsuits, slap on some sunscreen, warm up your body, put on a smile and dive into that pool for some fun and fitness!

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