Why trekking as a sport? Amidst our fast-paced city lives and stressful 9-5 jobs, we’re lucky if we can even get time to go out for an evening walk. The sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet and sitting at our desk for most of our day, makes it almost impossible to stay fit and healthy at all times.
But, we can always indulge in a healthy sport whenever we get some time to ourselves, right? Personally, I have an inclination towards trekking in the Himalayas.
Be it looking for a way to lose weight, clearing your head, or reduce stress and anxiety; trek is a great way to reap these rewards and more. All you need is a few tips and tricks that will make you ready for your next trek.
Let us go ahead and tell you why trekking should be your go-to sport while planning your next getaway.
#1. A great way to exercise
The beauty of nature often makes you forget the good things that happen to your body while you’re busy walking those tough terrains. You usually fail to remember the fact that you’re actually getting rid of those pesky calories that can pile on and find any excuse to haunt your fitness, and increasing your metabolism in the process.

#2. Disconnect and Observe.
In your daily monotonous routine, how often do you find time to actually experience life and take a moment to breathe? Ask any avid trekker, and they’ll tell you how the sheer sight of mountains and reaching your preferred viewpoint after long hours of walking makes them calm and genuinely happy. Trekking gives you the freedom to disconnect from the mundane life, and feel eternally satisfied. It heals you and gives you a new perspective to view the world. Life isn’t all about schedules, bring a little spontaneity and enjoy the calm.
#3. Tests your fitness levels
Opposed to what you might’ve heard, you don’t need a chiselled body, slim waist and six-pack abs to trek successfully. A fit body isn’t all about the looks, but rather a combination of bodily strength, stamina and overall health.
It is easy to tone your body with respect to appearance, but you can only challenge your fitness levels when you trek. Not only body strength, but trekking also requires a great combination of both physical and mental health, as you would face a couple of difficult conditions while trekking.
#4. Promote Better Heart Health.
Trekking regularly has been known to reduce your blood pressure levels by 10 points, while balancing your cholesterol and triglycerides as well. It improves your comprehensive health including both cardiovascular and respiratory systems, all thanks to the pure oxygen you will find in the mountains. Trekking makes your lunges stronger helping your heart pump more blood throughout the body.
#5. Better Socializing Abilities.
Trekking isn’t solely about walking through tough terrains and carrying heavy backpacks. While trekking you get to interact with fellow enthusiasts from different walks of life, cultures, and traditions. The community around affects your personality, makes you better at social interactions building confidence and team spirit.
So, let’s be real. Trekking is not your typical touristy stuff involving the exploration of monuments, going to check out best places to eat, and souvenir shopping.
It is a bit holier than that; acting as both, a nature getaway and adventure sport that involves becoming a fitter, calmer and more patient version of you. Add trekking to your sport bucket list and go on a mission to explore the Himalayas.