5 easy to learn sports you must try | Playo


Written by Sheryl Thomas

Sport Enthusiast with a penchant for Writing. Art and Music Lover, Foodie and a Travel buff.

March 17, 2016

Read; Words

If you want to play a sport, here are some easy to learn sports you should consider.

Every sport is hard to master, but the beginning is what counts. If you are looking to learn a sport to kill time or get through the day and not find it really messy and laborious, you should definitely try the list that we have put together below. Indeed, what can be better than learning a bit of the game you could one day be good at?

Easy to learn sports


If you are having a bad day, don’t worry. Just hit the Golf course!

Golf is one of the classic recreational activities that most of the business class people indulge in. Although this sport has a list of crazy rules and it is very difficult to become a pro at Golf, one can always try it and feel less fatigued.

It is played and enjoyed by many around the world. Though it can get challenging, it is pretty fun to play. The point of the game is to get the ball directly into the hole on the green.


Football is played in every street in every country at any hour of the day, by a bunch of people who would just love to kill time and have some fun. It is the most loved and most played sport as well. The skill-set involved in Soccer is too damn high but once you start playing, you will definitely fall head-over-heels in love with the sport.

3. Badminton

Racquet sports are always entertaining. Badminton doesn’t need a team or a big space, just the two of you at home and you can have a good game, every day.

It is less tiring and less-exhausting when you first start to play. Once you become good at it, the pace of the game increases rapidly with some epic shot-making skills. That’s how you learn the game.



Just get to the beach with your buddies, with a ball and a net and start the game right away. On a professional level, this sport requires amazing skills to block, dive, hit, set and sprawl. But when you are playing for fun, it can be absolutely entertaining.

5. Basketball

Every guy’s dream is to somehow grab a ball and get it through the hoop at least once in his lifetime. Most college-inspired movies carry a Basketball theme and the way this game has influenced the world is impeccable. So if you are looking to learn a sport that you are never gonna fall out of love with, you’ve found the right one here.


Sports are super fun to play and one must should play at least one sport in their lives. It a great way to be social, fit and have fun.

What are you waiting for? Plan a weekend with your friends & family right away and have some fun. Also, do let us know which sport in your opinion is the most entertaining ever.

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