5 Basketball Shots That Every Person Should Try Their Hand At

basketball shots

Written by Arjun Thomas

I'm a full time bboy and content writer. I love travelling and I'm dedicated to a vegan lifestyle.

June 7, 2017

Shooting is an essential part of basketball. A game involves shooting and scoring points, which are tallied during the game and the team with the most points at the end of the game is declared the winner.

Simple, right?

Not quite.

Landing a shot can be quite difficult and requires hours of practice. There are many different kinds of shots out there, and to improve your shooting skills, it’s important to master the various kinds of shots. Here are a few you can try.

1) Jump Shot

This is the most common and frequently used shot in basketball. It involves making an explosive leap upwards and shooting the ball when you’re at the highest point of your leap.

When you release the ball, keep your elbow straight so that the ball is carried forward by the momentum of your elbow. You also want to concentrate on flicking your wrist while releasing the ball. This will provide the ball with momentum and spin, allowing it to travel smoothly towards the basket.

2) Layup

This dynamic shot is used by basketball players all the time, and while it’s a little difficult to master, it can be extremely helpful during tight situations in the game.

If you dribble with your right hand, then stay on the right flank of the court. Dribble the ball and move towards the basket at the same time. When you get to the three-point line, take two long strides and stop dribbling. Once you get there, attempt to score a basket by throwing the ball into the top corner of the board.

3) Floater

This shot is quite similar to the jump shot, the only difference being the way the ball is thrown. Here, instead of flicking your wrist, you need to lift or gently push the ball into the air in a higher arc than normal. There is no spin added to the ball, and it is simply propelled forward using your palm.

This shot is perfect for when you’re surrounded by defenders or facing a really tall opponent.

The floater can be shot during a run while dribbling, or even right after a catch. As there is no specific way to shoot a floater, it’s best to watch a few videos to better understand how this shot works.

4) Free Throw

This is perhaps the easiest shot in basketball and is usually taken when a foul is committed against your team.

The wrist and arm action are similar to that used in the jump shot. The only difference here is that there are no defenders to stop you from shooting, and you should stay on the ground while making the shot.

5) Slam Dunk

Perhaps one of the hardest shots in basketball, the slam dunk can only be performed by those with an explosive upward jump. You need to launch yourself into the air and extend your entire arm so that the ball goes up and over the rim, allowing you to safely make the dunk.

One-handed dunks are a lot easier as it takes a lot more effort to get both your hands to the rim. However, if you aren’t able to grip the ball in one hand, you can always teach yourself to dunk with two hands.


All of these shots take a fair bit of practice to master, but with patience and perseverance, you should learn them in no time!

Also read: Want Some Expert Basketball Tips? Here You Go!

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