6 Common Diet Mistakes You Are Making | Playo

evening juice diet

Written by Vedika Jain

Vedika’s crave led her to work in journalism in her early college years. She believes that 'you are not just the another one in the crowd' deeply. She has keen interest in politics and media, particularly emceeing and content writing.

March 14, 2017

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COMMON DIET MISTAKES | We all want happiness to last forever, right from our childhood days to retirement, we desire to lead a life of fulfillment and joy, whichever isn’t possible without being fit or healthy. However this is possible only if we invest in the right manner and at the right time. To ensure the same, we have a list of things that’ll tell you where you have been going wrong the entire life and help you meet your health needs at every stage of your life.

1) Morning breakfast should always be heavy

The handful of almonds you partake of on your way out the door might help you zip your pants in the morning, but it won’t surely fasten the scale thereafter. The reason behind it is that your metabolism works best in the morning time and hinders down at night and that’s the time when hunger will haunt you the most and you’ll eat a huge meal approximately when your metabolism is least prepared to process it.

breakfast toast and juice

Solution – Front-load your nourishment by making breakfast your heaviest meal of the day. You’ll naturally hog less at subsequent meals.

2) Don’t take fruits in large amounts

Many people suggest that it’s cool to consume unlimited amount of fruit. Due to this reason, people often tend to leave their daily food habits and switch to fruits rather than consuming nutritious vegetables. While there’s no question that fruits are healthier than other sweets or candies but on the same hand, vegetables are more beneficial. In particular, fruits have substantial number of sugar and calories. Obviously it can never be said that it’s harmful to eat fruits as it is packed with many worthwhile antioxidants and fiber to support complete you up. But most experts agree you’re better off eating a heaping bowl of veggies than one that’s full of grapes, which can contain nearly twice as many calories as, say, broccoli. So much for freebies!

fruit diet

Solution – When it comes to filling up your stomach, prefer vegetables over fruits and fruits over other junk like chips and other snack foods — provided if the fruit is truly sufficient. (If you have just one bunch of grape in an intention to avoid eating a snack-sized bag of Doritos, you may be worse for the wear.)

Check out: Drop These Habits Today To Get Your Health Back On Track!

3) Don’t ever keep trigger food at your kitchen or preferable eyesight

If willpower worked, you wouldn’t be dieting in the first place and you’d still have the last gallon of ice cream you bought sitting like a couch potato. Also, Crash diet is not the right way, balance it equally (dieting and exercise) .

no ice cream

Solution – you should always have control over your need to have more, and if you can’t keep it under control, don’t bother buying it at all. “I don’t believe any one food is evil, but if it drives you to eat more, it’s better to avoid it,” Dr. Rothberg says.

4) Juices are not as healthy as you think so

Juices are not preferable and should be avoided in most cases as it contains huge amount of calories and sugar which is almost equal to cola. One should not believe everything they hear from anyone. Some say that fresh-pressed green juice can “cleanse” the system. “There’s really no such thing as a ‘cleansing drink.”


Solution – Drink a lot of water and eat a lot of fiber and your system will be cleansed,” Dr. Rothberg suggests.

5) Never forget your required-sleep time while dieting

According to a 2013 study, Sleep deprived people tends to eat an average of 549 extra calories per day. It’s because people imagine that the more hours you spend awake, you can work out but alas! that won’t help your cause. Separate research examining the brain’s response to food suggests that unhealthy food turns you on more when you’re tired.

sleep well

Solution –  Figure out how much sleep you need to feel fresh (if you’re tired right now you’re probably not getting enough).

6) Don’t let onions and garlic rest

Never put your chopped onions and garlic  straight from the cutting board to the pan, no matter how much hungry you are. Cancer-fighting compounds and flavonoids are activated when the cell walls are broken down by cutting or chopping; but as soon as they hit the heat, those powerful reactions stop, says Crosby.

cut onions

Solution – Let the veggies sit for a few minutes so that it allows more of those healthy compounds to form.

Stick to the plan and achieve wonders.

Also read: 5 Reasons Why We Think Running Is The Best Way To Keep You Fit



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