Isotonic Drinks: Are They As Good As We Believe

Written by Nidhi Patel

February 29, 2020

For those who are completely unaware, isotonic drinks are drinks that are targeted towards athletes. They are meant to hydrate one’s body after a hard workout/ run.

Isotonic drinks are not meant as a source of energy for an athlete or whoever is consuming it.

Isotonic drinks are meant to replenish the body with various electrolytes and minerals that are lost during an intensive workout. They contain salts, minerals, and even sugar to help your body recover faster and provide some energy. But this doesn’t mean they are energy drinks. Energy drinks are made for a completely different purpose.

So what are the pros and cons of consuming isotonic drinks?


#1. It replenishes:

Athletes and people who tend to work out a lot, sweat profusely during this. Their bodies need to be replenished by fluids that contain essential vitamins and minerals. Isotonic drinks contain these minerals and vitamins which help the body to function better.

#2. Gives a better satisfaction than water:

Drinking water during or after exercise is very important. But there are times that water gets too boring and tiresome for some. Consuming isotonic drinks is a good change of pace from water. It has a bit of flavouring too that keeps on satisfied. 

#3. They are full of carbohydrates:

Isotonic drinks are a very good way to fuel your body with carbohydrates. For athletes and physically active people, the body must have a good amount of carbohydrates, as carbohydrates are the best source of energy. While working out and exercising, the body tends to lose energy. They help in replacing that energy so that an athlete can go on and perform better. In this sense, isotonic drinks are better than water, as water has no carbohydrates present in it.

#4. Can be digested easily:

Isotonic drinks aren’t hard to digest at all. In fact, it is easier to digest than food. You rather drink an isotonic drink than eat a protein bar as the bar will take a longer time to get digested. Especially before a match or competition when the body is full of anxiety, an isotonic drink will do one much better than a protein bar.


#1. People tend to drink it as a replacement of water:

Isotonic drinks aren’t and shouldn’t be replaced by water. Water is an essential liquid that everybody should consume. Isotonic drinks can be had along with water or sipped on occasionally when the intensity of the workout has been increased, but it can’t be had instead of water.

#2. They are loaded with sugar:

For athletes and people who are conscious about their weight, they should consider how much of these drinks to consume. Isotonic drinks are loaded with sugar. Too much sugar harmful for you and consuming these drinks very often can make you put on a bit of weight. One should be careful with the amount of these drinks they consume.

#3. Caffeine content:

Most of these drinks contain high amounts of caffeine which isn’t good for your body. Some drinks have the equivalent amount of caffeine just as a cup of coffee or a can of soda. This can be harmful to one’s nervous system. At the end of the day, caffeine is a drug.

#4. Bad for your teeth:

Isotonic drinks are full of sodiums and sugars that stick to one’s teeth. These start to slowly eat away the enamel present on one’s teeth. The enamel is a protective layer and is very important. A person who usually drinks these drinks is one who is low on fluids. This means his mouth produces less saliva and saliva is the thing that washes away the excess sugar and salts off one’s teeth to keep them clean. But due to the lack of saliva production, the body tends to fail from keeping these salts and sugar from sticking to one’s teeth.

Isotonic drinks should be drunk in moderation and only when needed. It shouldn’t be replaced with water. There are some sugar-free drinks that one should consider.


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