Menstruation And Sports, Not A Taboo. Let’s Talk!

Written by Antara Nandi

A sports and art enthusiast, spends most of the time either reading or writing stories. Loves playing and winning Scrabble and Chess. Appreciates the beauty in every tiny being and deeply in love with- animals.

May 29, 2018

A piece from a woman who chooses to play even during her periods. Period.

Periods, in general, isn’t much spoken about as the society chooses not to talk about something uncomfortable. Though pretty much recently, Bollywood did a similar campaign that would be helpful to women out there. Therefore, we have P V Sindhu, who posted a photo of her’s with a sanitary napkin in hand.

Eventually, the initiative was taken to speak about a hushed topic like menstruation. Yet, something like menstruation and sports isn’t much spoken about.

On 28th May, since 4-years, World Menstrual Hygiene Day is celebrated. The initiative was taken by a German-based NGO, Wash United during 2014.

I was pleasantly taken back when a Chinese swimmer, Fu Yuanhui, spoke about having her periods the night before she had to participate in the women’s 4*100 meter-relay. 

Yes, it is totally hygienic to swim during your cycles. 

While we have several myths associated with our monthly cycles, one of the most common one is; sportswomen skip any kind of physical activity. To bust that myth, I would tell, there isn’t anything like that! We just have an example above!

  • What Are The Precautions You Should Take?
  1. Track the date: In today’s day and age, we have several apps that can track your menstrual cycles. This will be helpful to know about the dates beforehand. Though you cannot control the dates of games but atleast can be prepared about it.
  2. Hydration: Staying hydrated is very important as it will enhance your stamina. Drinking water and fresh juices will help.
  3. Nutrition: Eating right and adequate is essential as your body burns good amount of calories while playing.
  4. Rest: Yes, this is the most important part as your body requires rest to rebuild and perform for the next match or round.

Apart from all these, do not forget to carry all your period essentials with you which includes sanitary napkins and tampons. Wear comfortable sports clothes so that you do not feel conscious.

Start educating yourself and others around you about various health problems like Female Athlete Triad and Amenorrhea.



Menstruation among female athlete should not be a taboo in this space, people should speak about and address the issues.

Periods are natural. Let’s talk about them!


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