Rebels Foundation Bangalore sparks the love for sports in underprivileged kids.
REBELS FOUNDATION BANGALORE | We often fail to understand that the lack of encouragement and training facilities in the country compared to the super powers like USA and China could be one of the major causes for a huge setback when our athletes under-perform in the international circuit. All we do is crib about their failure. Thankfully, our nation has got few super stars who are doing their best to uplift sports in our country. One such initiative began in Bangalore and bloomed itself into what’s now called – Rebels Foundation, on 10th December 2016.
Rebels, as the name goes by, is a stand apart from the ordinary, encouraging kids to take up sports as their life skill. What’s even better about this NGO? They target the interested children from the underprivileged community who cannot afford for training and sports gears, help discover their talent and help them hone exemplary skills.
Rebels is led by a team of talented and passionate individuals who strive their best to reach out to the kids in need. Wanna know more about this strikingly enthusiastic bunch of people, well, there is no better person than Kavya Ananth, President of Rebels foundation to help throw some light on their organization.

Tara Anand (Vice President),Preetham Chandra (General Secretary), Kavya Ananth (President) and Karun M A (Treasurer) – From left to right
We contacted her and grilled her with a heap of questions and she was ever-ready to answer us with brimming enthusiasm. Here’s the interview as it happened with the leading lady of REBELs, Kavya Ananth:
1) When most people in our country only look at grades and degrees, why did you want to start a foundation for sports?
Education is considered to be the established norm in order to pursue a job/ career. Though we agree on education being an important factor, we staunchly believe that it is not the only thing necessary to have a successful career. In our country Children are encouraged to play sports only as an enjoyable activity, but not as an activity which will help them earn their bread and butter one day. This is something Rebels Foundation wants to change.
To start a civil service organization was dream that I believed and my driving force has always been the will to make a difference in the society. But why use sports to bring about this difference? Because sports, as a tool to improve lives, has always proved its mantle.
2) Why the name “REBELS” foundation?
REBELS – R – Reach, E – Enable, B – Build and E – Empower L – Lives through S – Sports.
I feel the word REBELS is apt for the foundation as it aims to help children from the underprivileged sectors of the society by helping them realize their sporting potential.
It is the foundation’s belief that children from all walks of life should have access to the best sporting opportunities in an increasingly globalized society.
3) Our nation wants more Olympic heroes. But most of us are not ready to make sports a primary goal. What do you have to say to this?
In my opinion, sports persons have been giving their best, considering the current condition of sports in India. The infrastructure of sports in India is not sufficient to support athletes and to nurture them to compete at a global stage. Our population may be large and talent may be in abundance too, but many of us cannot afford these training facilities. This is where Rebels Foundation comes to play. The foundation strives to provide such resources and opportunities to underprivileged children to fulfill their sporting dreams.
4) How does the foundation help the underprivileged kids?
We, at Rebels Foundation, believe that every child should have equal opportunities to realize his or her potential. The Mission of the foundation is to create platforms and pathways through various programs & scholarships for underprivileged children to hone their talents in sport and enable them to live better lives.
5) Could you tell us more about the training offered at the foundation?
Rebels Foundation took its first step by launching the Rebels Football Scholarship Programme. As Rebels Foundation begins its journey, its first initiative is centered on supporting children who have the passion to play Football. The Foundation, with the help of Mrs. Padmapriya (Football Coach, Sports Authority of India) and RFC Football Academy, has selected 30 children from the underprivileged sectors of the society, who will be inducted in the Rebels Football Scholarship Programme. The children selected under the Programme will be trained under RFC Football Academy to help jump-start their football aspirations. Through this initiative, the Foundation seeks to remove finance and a lack of resources as an impediment to children pursing their passion. Various other scholarships are also offered at the foundation.
6) What’s your favorite sport?
My favorite sport is Badminton. It helps me remain agile and acts as a stress buster. Playing a sport, in my opinion, is one of the best stress busters one can have.
7) Sports vs Gyms. Which one do you most encourage for the present generation and why?
As far as the health is considered, I would encourage the present generation to participate and indulge in the culture of sport to be fit. A sport is known for its pure & unmodified fun. Sports as a medium offers moments of tension and excitement with regularity and intensity like no other activity. To some, the experience of being part of something, like a sport, fills the void in their lives. Where as for other, training at a gym is what they need to keep fit, maybe because of lack of a better option or because of personal preferences, and to provide a temporary distraction form the everyday monotony.
8) Do you have any events planned for the year?
We have an under-16 football tournament lined-up for this year.
If you would like to help and fund the Rebels foundation, you can contact Kavya by clicking on the website: Rebels Foundation.
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