The Rise and Fall of Hockey in India

The Rise and Fall of Hockey in India

How did Hockey come to India? Before Indians started painting their faces and dancing on the streets in honor of the cricket team wins, before the world cups that either made or broke the spirit of an Indian, we had a different sport that just did the same. We still...
7 most watched sports in India | Playo

7 most watched sports in India | Playo

Indians love sports. But what are the most watched sports in India? Indians have a craze for Television. On any given day, in any house, all you can see is either a bunch of old ones watching the “Soap” they cannot afford to miss or the “Sports” they would give their...
All You Need To Know About Hockey Field Dimensions

All You Need To Know About Hockey Field Dimensions

HOVKEY FIELD DIMENSIONS | Hockey is the national sport of India and that gives several reasons to know more about this amazing sport.  Pitch boundary: Length- 91.4 meters, Width- 55.0 meters Centerline: A straight line is drawn midway between the backlines, and...
Have You Found Your Perfect ‘Sole Mate’ Yet?

Have You Found Your Perfect ‘Sole Mate’ Yet?

There is a sole for every occasion and your regular running shoes don’t fill the void always.  It can be hard enough to push yourself to start out on a particular sport or doing some exercise and the right shoe can make the experience worthwhile. The wrong...