Ultimate Tried And Tested Running Tips For Your First Ever 5K

Running Tips

Written by Antara Nandi

A sports and art enthusiast, spends most of the time either reading or writing stories. Loves playing and winning Scrabble and Chess. Appreciates the beauty in every tiny being and deeply in love with- animals.

February 26, 2018

Running tips are different for varied distances and hence, this article only talks about the first 5K run. Running enhances the coordination between your hands, legs and mind. This exercise can be done by all age groups and does not require any extra equipment or additional expense. If you are a beginner in this field or trying to rekindle the lost passion for running then 5K run is the next best thing. Evidently, 5K is a very doable thing for most of the runners but to maintain the stamina and motivation is a real challenge for beginners. The only thing you need to invest is in running shoes as bad shoes can lead to unwanted injuries. Here are few running tips that can help you during the first 5K run:

  1. Baby Steps: Start by doing some basic stretching exercises so that you are not caught by a muscle spasm in between the run. Exercises like standing leg swings, hip stretch, lizard lunge and brisk walking help loosen the stiff joints and aid for longer run altogether. You can walk for some time and then start running slowly. Do not try to run very fast as the entire motive behind running 5K is to reach the finish line rather than running fastest among all. Your body will decide the pace after few rounds of running eventually. So, let the speed come naturally to you than forcing it on your body.

    Brisk Walking- Running Tips


  2. Refreshing Refreshments: You need to have good amount of water as you will be sweating like crazy. Other than water you can have a few fruits like bananas and dried dates. They have a decent quantity of water and carbohydrates that will keep you energised throughout the run. Besides, cold coffee without sugar will also help as the ice will keep your body cooler and the caffeine will improve focus during the run. On the other hand, citrus fruits like oranges will meet the requirements of nutrients for the run.

    Iced Coffee

    Coffee Seller

  3. Required Accessories: Wear comfortable clothes that will soak your sweat and try not to wear transparent clothing. Sweat and transparent clothes do not go hand in hand, moreover, you may end up looking like a creep. If you have long hair, tie it tightly as you do not want strands poking your eyes. Additionally, buy shoes that fit you perfectly and invest decent amount on them as they decide how comfortably you can run. Also, buy a mobile holder if you want to listen to music during the run.

    Clothes- Running Tips

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  4. Talk to Self: On the course, you may find people half your age running faster but do not let that demotivate you. That is when you need to start talking to yourself as you may be looking for some expert advice. As you know how to control your mind perfectly, you become the expert here. For the first timers, completing a 5K may seem like a feat but once you start talking and motivating yourself, you tend to forget the pain. Talking to self can also improve endurance as you are constantly pushing yourself to perform better. However, do not over-pressurize yourself and extend your limits, you may end up hurting yourself. Listen to your body nonetheless.

    Talk- Runnig tip


  5. Celebrate: Initially if you have even covered a kilometre then treat yourself with something you love. Conversely, do not eat or entertain any element that may act as a barrier before you start running. You can celebrate by sharing the little achievement on social media and by buying that one thing you have been waiting to buy. Eventually, this will motivate you to perform better and give a positive push when you have sluggish days. However, keep running because it will not only keep you physically fit but mentally happy.

    Celebration- Running Tips

    The Happy Foodie

Running is very beneficial to all age groups and you do not need to think twice before you decide to run. All you need to know are a few tips before you run a marathon and then you are good to go! Let us know if these tips helped you and tell us if we missed out on including something.

#Hustle5K Run is awaiting for you! Have you registered yet? Final day is 28th February! Speed-Up!

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