World Health Day is on 7th of April and we are sure you would love to get healthier by playing your favourite sport than doing those tedious workouts.
In recent years, the connection of sports with mental and physical health has been showing drastically positive results. Therefore, it would not be wrong to assume that sports benefit your mind and body tremendously.
But why is something like World Health Day necessary? Let us ask the experts who have a fair share of knowledge about this day:
The World Health Day is a global health awareness day celebrated every year on 7 April, under the sponsorship of the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as other related organisations.
In 1948, the WHO held the First World Health Assembly. The Assembly decided to celebrate 7 April of each year, with effect from 1950, as the World Health Day. The World Health Day is held to mark WHO’s founding, and is seen as an opportunity by the organization to draw worldwide attention to a subject of major importance to global health each year. The WHO organizes international, regional and local events on the Day related to a particular theme. World Health Day is acknowledged by various governments and non-governmental organizations with interests in public health issues, who also organize activities and highlight their support in media reports, such as the Global Health Council.
World Health Day is one of eight official global health campaigns marked by WHO, along with World Tuberculosis Day, World Immunization Week, World Malaria Day, World No Tobacco Day, World AIDS Day, World Blood Donor Day, and World Hepatitis Day.
Influence of sports in our life:
- Maintain weight: Most of us will agree to the fact that we are giving in to the sedentary lifestyle. The 9-5 jobs, unhealthy and untimely eating habits lead to a drastic gain in weight. Playing a sport will keep our weight in check as it will burn calories the right way!
- Relaxation: Sports help you forget about things that you are tensed or stressed about. Also, when you shift your concentration elsewhere, your mind pushes your perspective to another level for the same situation.
- Concentration: You know the effort it takes to win a game or a match. It includes logical thinking, critical strategies and good judgement, all these only happen when you are fully focused on the game.
- Confidence: Sports boost confidence and elevate your self-esteem. This elevation happens as you are enhancing your stamina and improving your game strategies as a result, you feel good about yourself.
- Maintain weight: Most of us will agree to the fact that we are giving in to the sedentary lifestyle. The 9-5 jobs, unhealthy and untimely eating habits lead to a drastic gain in weight. Playing a sport will keep our weight in check as it will burn calories the right way!
Apart from all these benefits, sports push depression at bay. While you are focused on playing a sport and thinking about various strategies, your brain and body produce ‘feel-good hormones’ which help you forget about emotionally difficult situations.
Must Read: How Sports Induce Happiness In Lives!
Playing some kind of sport or any similar physical activity improves the quality of sleep. Sleeping better ensures that you wake-up with a positive outlook which in-return improves mood. Ensure that sports which increases adrenalin-rush are not played just before bed-time as they may leave you too energised to sleep.
Sports for kids:
Kids love playing and while they are just planning-up against opposite team, they are learning to strategise which again, improves their thought processes.
Must Read: Which Sport Does Your Kid Like To Play?
While on the other hand, they are becoming a team player. Several board games like Chess and Chinese Checkers enhance their thinking capacity and improve concentration.
Keep in mind:
While sports has a lot of benefits, at the same time injuries are common too. Most of the injuries happen because of little or no warm-up before the match. A warm-up is not only essential but should be considered as a part of the game. After a good match, do not forget to cool-down.
Must Read: Warm-Down As Important As Warm-Up, Here’s Why!
Most of the injuries are recoverable after proper medical attention but few can be serious. Some injuries include sprains, stiff muscles and mild contusions which take lesser time to recover. Though in cases of serious damages like brain trauma and concussions, it may take a good amount of time to recover.
Sports not only improve your fitness but also improves your mental health. People who often deal with such team-activities may develop great leadership qualities over a certain period of time.
Must Read: Playing Sports Important For Work-Life Balance
Above all, you need to take proper care of your body and mind as it is the only entity you possess. If you mistreat your body then you have nowhere to live-in.
Therefore, this World Health Day, pledge to stay fit and fab!
Happy World Health Day!