4 Badminton Groups That You Definitely Need To Be A Part Of

badminton groups

Written by Playo

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June 29, 2017

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BADMINTON GROUPS | Badminton! The sport has created a terrific wave in the country of late. People who were once hitting gyms to become fit have now resorted to a sport and that’s really surprising. All thanks to the ease that Badminton offers to its enthusiasts. And also one must definitely highlight the Badminton facilities being offered in the country in recent times.

Initially to find a proper space where you can draw a court and play the game used to be quite challenging, but today with the increase in modern trends we have seen a surge in the number of badminton venues being opened up in the country.

Since the facilities are readily available in the country today, the comfort has increased manifolds and helps in supporting the growth of the sport nationwide. With the increase in the number of people taking to sports, various sports groups have also emerged out of the cities which help people to come together as one family and enjoy the spirit of the game.

The main motive of these groups is to bring together people with similar interests and create a family of their own. They motivate one another to get better at what they do and bring about a change in their lives. This contributes to a healthy lifestyle and builds sportsmanships. Numerous groups have been noted in various cities and in particular, Badminton has too many of its own. Let’s take a look at the 4 best Badminton communities in the country and why you should be a part of them.

1) Crazzy Shuttlers

Crazzy Shuttlers is a bunch of crazy Badminton lovers from Bangalore who can never get tired of playing the sport. Formed in the year 2013 by Charchita Pramanik and her husband Avinash, Crazzy Shuttlers now has about 2k likes on Facebook. They organize badminton matches in most parts of Bangalore and they have a huge team to coordinate and organize the activities. If you feel like you want to play Badminton and you have no company, go ahead and join the team of Crazzy Shuttlers via Meetup.com or you can find matches hosted on Playo by Charchita Pramanik


2) Pune Badminton Group

This Facebook group has around 2500 members. The main idea of this group is to bring together a mass of Badminton enthusiasts who love to play the sport anytime any day. You can join the group and meet people who you can play Badminton with. Anybody can join this group, but it would be more relevant for Pune users.

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3) Badminton Players in Hyderabad

people playing badminton

When in Hyderabad, go play Badminton and if you can’t find anyone to play with, join this group. When you have found people to play with, go book your courts. If you want to book your courts, don’t think twice, use PLAYO app ok? Also, host matches if it’s required and invite your group buddies to join the match. This group has around 2400 members on Facebook.

4) Badminton Bangalore

Bangalore has too many Badminton groups, all thanks to the trend that has been catching up in the city that people are taking it to sports to get fit instead of gyms. This group on Facebook has around 1000 members and the sole purpose and idea of this group is bringing peopel together with deeper interests in Badminton. They also organize badminton tournaments every quarter of the year.

Read: 4 Exercises That You Should Do To Better Your Badminton Shots


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