“Bodypump Is A Powerful, Challenging Group Workout That Is Done Using Barbells…”

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July 10, 2018

One of the esteemed guests during the Bloggers and Influencers Meet was Poojyaa. Here’s what she had to tell us about fitness.



  1. Why did you want to become a fitness trainer?

Poojyaa: Fitness has always been a part of my life. It’s not a recent addiction that has made me what I am today. Since my childhood I have always been into some form of fitness like swimming, dance, badminton and yoga. I enjoyed movies and music too of course, but becoming a fitness Instructor was never planned. It’s purely based on passion, and the need to inspire people around to lead a healthy lifestyle.

As you know,  we tend to get carried away with work and personal life often that we forget to take care of our body. So here I am, trying my best to influence friends, family and others to take the path of fitness and healthy lifestyle.

2. How do you keep yourself motivated?


Poojyaa: I have always got motivation in abundance and still do, just the sources of it keeps fluctuating sometimes. It’s majorly from the inside of me to be the best version of who I am and be the best at what I do. My dedication, determination, discipline and commitment for my job is all based on this desire. Otherwise, it’s my parents, mentors, role models and not to forget the food, here, I am talking about cheat days, that keep me rooted.

3. How do you balance work and your passion?

Poojyaa: The balance has to be made only when work and passion flow on two different paths. I have been fortunate enough to understand soon enough and recognise my strengths & skills to make my passion my full-time work.

4. Explain us briefly about what a Body Pump trainer does?  

Poojyaa: Put simply, Bodypump is a powerful, challenging group workout that is done using barbells and light weights with high reps to build strength and to enhance muscle conditioning. As a trainer, we are equipped with all the skills and knowledge to motivate people to get better at it progressively. This is by way of coaching and guiding them appropriately.


5. Is warm-up important?  

Poojyaa: Well, it’s very much necessary as significant as your workouts, I never start a session without a good warm-up of about 5-8 minutes. It has to be done to get the temperature high gradually, it’s like preparing oneself mentally and physically, also to prevent injuries of any kind during the actual workout.

6. What was the reason that pushed you to become fit?  

Poojyaa: Firstly, fitness started as a self-care. But I also wanted to set an example and motivate others to be fit and healthy as well. Why not help others in their journey? This made me go a step higher on my fitness goals.

7. Apart from staying fit, what are your favourite indulgences?  

Poojyaa: I enjoy cooking, this is a very recent passion I have discovered, to stay fit, one should eat right. It starts from knowing what goes into our food, that’s made me experiment with cooking. Other’s would be reading books, learning new things playing a new sport and growing myself as an individual.


8. Do you think, today’s youth should get into sports and fitness?

Poojyaa: A big yes, I stress upon the importance of physical activity every day. In form of workouts at the gym/ home / outdoor for at least about 45 min a day to stay on the healthy side of life. For youth especially, they should figure out their interests and indulge in that activity for 4-5 days a week. This will help them keep up with this fast pace of life and more so, make it a part of their daily routine.

9. What would be that one piece of advice you would give to people who are new to this field of fitness?   

Poojyaa: Fitness has to be made a part of our lifestyle and not a short-term goal, to watch what we eat/ drink. Include a lot of fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Nutrition plays a major role and to understand the key to everything is ‘Moderation”. It applies to working out and eating habits, also to encourage the younger generation more towards healthy habits.


We thank Poojya for her insightful views  and wish her all the best on her journey. and other aspects of life.


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