Let Us Help You In The Process Of Endurance Training

Written by Zaira Wadood

September 18, 2018

With the advent of obstacle races and the boom in the sports industry, endurance training is high in demand.

endurance training

Endurance training is high on demand because of the increase in obstacle training and rise in interest in sports.

What is endurance training you ask? The act of executing a technique consistently and effectively for a long period of time with the least effort is endurance. Exercises performed to build that endurance is what consists of an endurance training routine. It is crucial to note that cardio activities just form a part of the whole endurance building process. It is very important to build strength along with it.

Before we get into the specific exercises that you can do for this very purpose, let’s understand the most effective approach towards building endurance.

First things first, endurance is not built overnight and it requires patience.

Few tips to keep in mind if you want to train for endurance:

  • Combine strength training with cardio: For instance, run for a mile and then do ten jump squats immediately after. Repeat.
  • Make sure that the rest time is minimal between sets: The goal is to feel that burn. Opt for workouts like every minute on the minute (EMOTM) or Tabata. These are great high-intensity interval training (HIIT) regimes that help do just that.
  • Hybrid exercises or compound movements are very beneficial in stimulating the heart. As they get multiple muscles working at the same time. Jumping pull-ups, lunges with bicep curls and thrusters are great hybrid exercises.
  • Change the workout routine after 2 to 3 weeks. The human body gets accustomed to a particular workout. If you have been cycling, break the monotony and muscle overuse by running stairs.
  • Nutrition: A perfect balance of carbohydrates, fats and protein is important and is subjective to each body type. Talk to an expert or even experiment and figure out what works best for you.
  • Recovery: Rest and let your body recover for the next haul. To go the distance and avoid injuries, you need well rested, fresh muscles.


A good endurance training regime should incorporate all of the above. With determination and proper training, that plank will get easier and you will find yourself at the finish line with your best foot forward!

Here are 5 exercises that will bump up your endurance and help you get started:

  1. Jogging: This is a form of endurance training done for long distance. Jogging helps build strong bones, strengthens muscles and is known to improve cardiovascular fitness.
  2. Squat Jumps: Along with building muscles and strengthening the lower body (glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, caves), squat jumps are a great way to increase your sports performance. It helps you to jump higher and run faster.
  3. Burpees: High-intensity exercise that engages almost all major muscle groups in the body. This is a great exercise to include in your daily regime if you are looking at building strength and stamina. 
  4. Lizard Climber: This exercise is very similar to a mountain climber. Here you move your arms along with the lower body. The explosive shoulder movement, hip flexion and extension along with core stabilization involved in this movement challenges your cardiovascular system.
  5. Push-ups: Great way to build strength. This exercise works multiple muscles around the shoulder. Make it a functional movement by engaging your quadriceps, glutes and core. When performed correctly, this does wonders to build up endurance.


Do these exercises regularly and you will keep trucking without losing steam! Having said that, any exercise can be performed to build endurance as long as the rest period is minimal. The more muscle groups you target in a single movement, the better it is.

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