Life Lessons To Learn From Ultimate Frisbee

Written by Sunita Sylvia

October 25, 2018

Ultimate frisbee or just ultimate is a non-contact sport that is played with a flying disc AKA frisbee. It is a competitive and exciting sport that acts as a great form of exercise as it includes running and jumping faster, harder and higher than those around you.

Frisbee includes both offensive and defensive strategy that requires fast-paced play and is filled with little nuances that apply to everyday life. Source.

 Here are a few life lessons that can be learned from playing ultimate frisbee:

  • Don’t take yourself too seriously! : The main goal of playing ultimate frisbee is to have fun. Sometimes in life, we take everything way too seriously and forget to just have fun.

[pullquote]Life becomes too strenuous and repetitive that we forget what its like to just lay back and enjoy our time. Ultimate frisbee teaches us to have fun without any other expectations. [/pullquote]

It encourages the players to do what they love and what brings them joy. It helps the players apply the quote “if I’m not having fun, then I’m doing it wrong” into their life.

  • Adapting and Adjusting: A player has to adapt and adjust to the environment and give it his best shot. A player has to play efficiently no matter how strong the winds are or how slushy the ground is.

This lesson teaches the player to overcome all difficulties in life and strive to all ways do their best.

[pullquote]Life is very uncertain and many challenges arise unexpectedly, instead of giving up, the individual has to strive to overcome these challenges by giving it their all.[/pullquote]

  • Finding your people: Most of the people that play ultimate frisbee play it because they feel a unique sense of community with the other players. This motivates the players to play the sport continuously and also enriches their entire experience.
frisbee team

A true bond is formed between the players and this helps them have a good time while playing. This teaches the players to always surround themselves with people who have a positive impact on their life. Source.

It encourages the players to form bonds with the people around them.

Having people who believe in you around you helps in the enriching and uplifting of your life general by enhancing your self-esteem and self-image.

  • Think with a clear head: An emotional player cannot think clearly and smartly. Their decision-making skills become flawed and the way they play their game becomes inefficient. Thus, players are always encouraged to play with a clear head and to curb their frustration or high emotion.

[pullquote]This applies to life too. Never make decisions when you’re too emotional. Always step aside, clear your mind and then make your decision. Hasty decisions always lead to regrets and complications. [/pullquote]

  • Moving on: Players often make mistakes and mess up while playing but they have to brush it off quickly and continue with the game. There is no time to sit and dwell on the mistakes or mishaps.

    Image result for ultimate frisbee

    This lesson can also be applied in real life. A person should not mull over past incidents and mistakes. The individual has to get on with their life and just make sure to not repeat the mistake again. Source.

Brooding on about past events is not fruitful and does not help the individual.

These are a few life lessons that can be learnt from playing ultimate frisbee. This sport acts as a unique way of bringing people together and having them connect over a shared experience.

This sport impacts lives and gives the players something to take back. The lessons learnt in the field can be used to improve the overall quality of life of the players.

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