Surprise Your Opponents With These Amazing Net Shots

Written by Nidhi Patel

February 19, 2019

Find out how perfecting the net shot and kill can elevate your badminton game and help you surprise your opponent.

Being good at the net has a lot of advantages, not only in singles but also in doubles and mixed doubles. If you can master the net shots like lift and kill, then you can easily dominate the forecourt.

To have good play you do not necessarily need power as much as you need finesse and a soft hand. Here a good and flexible wrist action can make a big difference.

Net Lift:

A lift is basically a stroke that is played from the forecourt. It is a clearing stroke and is used when the shuttle comes in a downward direction into your court. If someone plays a drop, a smash or a keep at the net, then the lift is played.

Since the net lift is used so often, it is important that you learn how to play it correctly.

It is not so much power as much as accuracy and consistency that is needed when playing the lift.

Lifts are a very game to bring a balance in the game and to neutralise the opponent’s advantage.

All you need to know about net lifts are in this video:

Net Kill:

The net kill is a shot that is played from the forecourt and should land somewhere in the mid to forecourt area of the opponent’s side of the court.

It is a downward stroke played from the net and as the name suggests, it is meant to finish off the rally in a positive way for you.

To play a net kill that immediately gives you the point in your favour, you do not need to have power, you need to have good timing and speed. You need to be in the right place at the right time.

It is the angle of steepness with which the shot is played that is more important rather than the power. This is because the result of playing the net kill should be that the opponent isn’t able to take up the stroke and is struggling to get himself out of the pressure.

Watch this video to understand technically how a net kill is played:


The techniques can be perfected by practising everyday. Dominate the net and put pressure on your opponent by learning how to play these strokes correctly.


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