Are You Doing These 5 Mistakes While Playing Table Tennis

Written by Baibhav Jain

December 6, 2018

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Table tennis is a sport which looks easy to the eye but contains a lot of technicalities that one cannot possibly imagine. If you are new to this sport, then this article will help you a lot in improving your game.


You join a local club and see some of the players playing with remarkable speed and spin. You wish to be like them but you end up mostly missing the ball or hitting the net while playing against them.

Well, don’t be disheartened because losing is a part of learning! Although, learning from your mistake is very important in table tennis.

Here are some mistakes which every beginner does while playing table tennis:

  • Incorrect grip: There are many beginners who don’t hold the bat correctly while playing. There are mainly two ways you can hold the bat: the shake hand grip and the pen hold grip. The grip should be perfect, with the fingers in the appropriate position. The grip should never change while playing.

  • Lack of footwork: You cannot hit the ball unless you reach the ball. Beginners tend to become very stiff while playing. This usually results in making a lot of unforced errors. Make sure that you do a lot of warm up and footwork exercises before you enter the arena. Running sideways helps a lot in improving footwork.

  • Laying greater emphasis on speed: Perhaps the biggest mistake which beginners do is that they tend to hit with maximum speed without any proper technique. This leads to a lot of unforced errors. Speed is important but first, you must focus on your control and placement. If you do that, then your speed will increase automatically.

  • Incorrect posture and technique: Every shot has a unique posture and technique. For instance, the forehand topspin, one of the most crucial shots in table tennis, requires a lot of time to master. This shot becomes ineffective if the posture and technique are not right. Many times, players tend to not focus on their posture and end up learning a totally different shot altogether. When it comes to technique, always remember what Abraham Lincoln said, “If I had six hours to chop a tree, I’d spend the first four hours sharpening the axe.”

  • Expensive Equipment- Buying expensive equipment without any proper knowledge will never improve your game. It might even lead to your downfall as some expensive bats are very different to control. Even if you want to buy, make sure you consult your coach and other experienced players before buying.
  • Service/Receive- There have been countless instances when the only difference between two players is the quality of their service and receive. Many beginners don’t indulge in service/ receive practice and as a result, they tend to get easily deceived by their opponents. Make sure to give attention to your service during your practice sessions.


Now, what are you waiting for? Pick up your rackets and make sure that you avoid these mistakes when you play. Moreover, never fail to enjoy this beautiful game.

Here is a video of Olympic Champion Ma Long practising with world number 1 Fan Zhendong.

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