Are You Doing These 5 Huge Mistakes While Doing Tabata

Written by Playo

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November 27, 2018

The advent of the internet has made sure that the people who want to get fit have several ways to do so than just paying a hefty amount to the gyms. During this process of discovering different ways of getting fit and fab, Tabata was introduced by Dr Izumi Tabata.


According to the website called Active, this is how an experiment was conducted:

Now Tabata has become one of the most popular forms of high-intensity interval training, also called HIIT among the fitness fraternity.

What is Tabata? 

Tabata is a  four-minute workout session. During these four-minutes, you will do a particular exercise, say Burpees for 20 seconds and then rest for 10 seconds, go back to doing Burpee and complete 8 rounds of Burpees.

After you are done with four minutes of Burpees, hop to next exercises like push-ups, mountain climbers or bodyweight training, whichever workout floats your boat or helps you stay fit.

Tabata may seem easy and you may see no scope of any mistake happening but, there are a few mistakes that you may be doing while Tabata.

Here are 4 mistakes that you must be doing while Tabata:

  1.  Not continuing:

Good things take time to happen. Just because Tabata comes under high-intensity exercises, it does not imply that you will start seeing a difference within a day or two.

Be patient and keep doing and enjoying the exercise because if you do not enjoy it as much, you may end up not doing it or not pushing hard enough.

2. Not Pushing Yourself Enough:

To be blatantly honest, the exercises last for 20 seconds before you take a 10-second rest. Therefore, if you do not give your best those 20-seconds then why even do it? Do not think of what will you do in those 10-seconds or which exercises to do next or even how much calories you are burning, if you are doing so then you are not pushing yourself hard enough!

3. Skipping 10-seconds:

Once you start working out on a particular exercise, it may send you on an adrenalin rollercoaster. That is when you start believing that you are a superhuman and you do not need any rest!

It is incorrect, the entire process of Tabata is divided into 20 and 10 seconds for a reason. HIIT is all about the burst of energies and if you are not letting your body cool down before the next circle, then you are just doing regular cardio exercises.

4. Rocking the 20-10 without results:

By now, all of us have reached a conclusion and busted two myths of weight loss or fitness:

  • There are certain exercises for spot fat reduction.
  • Everyone requires the same exercises to reduce weight and stay fit.

Tabata may show amazing results to you in a week or two but for some it may not show any result. You may lose weight, become active and have a great body but I may not lose any weight at all.

Different exercises show different results to different bodies. Hence, do not compare!

Lastly, let me give you another takeaway point, if you are a beginner, for 20-seconds you can run on the treadmill or do a few easy exercises like jogging or running. These will keep your body heated.

Later you can change your exercises with more complicated ones!

Here are a few combinations:


You can also do Tabata while swimming! Here is how you do it:


Tabata can do a lot for your body if you are doing it in the right way and right amount! You have to push yourself to do the best during those 20-seconds and by push, we do not mean, force yourself on doing a certain workout if it does not suit you.

Staying fit and losing some of those stubborn weight can be very daunting and extremely long process. Patience and practise is the key!

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