Are You Making These Fitness/Workout Mistakes

Written by Nidhi Patel

January 31, 2019

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If you find you are making any of these workout mistakes, rectify them now.

Fitness is a very important aspect of one’s life. Whether it is going to the gym, going for a run, playing a sport or going for a swim. It should be part of everyone’s life no matter how busy one really is.

But in all that busyness and rush to get in a workout, is it possible you are making mistakes while trying to get fit?

If yes, these are some of the most common mistakes people tend to make while working out. You should rectify it now before it does any damage.

#1. You walk in without a plan. A lot of people, especially first-timers walk into the gym or fitness centre without knowing what they are going to do. They have no structure in place. Their end goal may be to get fit. But, if they do not have a plan or a guide to get them there then the workout seems all too senseless.

It is important that we keep a plan in mind as to how we want to start. And yes, it is never too late to start.

#2. You are using weights that are not suited for you- This happens far too often. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you are lifting heavier weights than you can, but it can also mean that you are lifting lighter weights than you can.

The right thing to do is find the amount of weight that is suited to your body and increase over time.

Lifting heavier weights is very bad for your body and can cause chronic injuries.

#3. Not varying your exercises often- While being in a routine is great, it can make you complacent as well. It can be mentally and physically taxing.

Varying your exercises every few months and introducing yourself to new exercises will really help you to work out different parts of your body. This also will take you out of this comfort zone you are in.

#4. Not eating right- Eating healthy does not just mean cutting out sugar, processed foods and junk food. It also means eating food that will complement your fitness/ exercise routine.

If you spend a good amount of time working out, you need to ensure that your diet is balanced. Ensure it contains all the nutrients your body requires to recoup and to sustain after working out.

People tend to eat less and not enough. What they do not realise is that they are depriving their body of the nutrition that it needs.

#5. Neglecting rest- Rest is so important in one’s life. Specially if you are big into fitness. Rest is when the body regenerates and the broken down muscles start to repair. Without rest, the body does not get time to heal.

Not resting and overtraining is going to burn you out. You need to ensure that you get to rest enough. It helps your body to support your work out and fitness regime.

#6. Lifting weights incorrectly. When it comes to weight training, a lot of people want to lift heavier weights very quickly, which often leads to injury. To be able to lift heavier it is important that you get your form spot on.

Having bad form will definitely create problems for you, if not immediately then in the future.

Now if you take even heavier weights with bad form, you’ll be doing a great deal of damage.

Form is key as while lifting you are loading your joints.

#7. You tend to compare yourself to others. Everyone has their own pace and abilities that will not necessarily be identical to yours.

If your peers can lift a certain weight while training a particular muscle, but you can’t take as much, it’s not the end of the world. Your body will react and grow in a different manner. It may take longer for your body to be able to lift heavier weights.

You have to be patient and not try and do the silly thing by lifting weights or performing an exercise that you are not able to.

Athletes are not made overnight, they train hard for a long period of time.

#8. Warm and stretching is left out- Before any workout, it is very important to warm up your muscles. This is to get the blood flow to increase. This helps in improving mobility and flexibility.

After your work out is done, it is very important to stretch them. While working out your muscles get really loaded and feel tight. A good session of stretching after will help reduces that soreness to an extent. This way injuries can be avoided too.

Conclusion: Fitness is a very important aspect of life, but doing it right is what matter.


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